Monday, October 15, 2007

My son

ahhhh, my son......

He has challenged me more than anyone I know. His heart is so good. He is sincere to the very core. But he's a boy and he's a sanguine. what this means is:

He's constantly moving and making some kind of noise.
He's usually in someone's space
He's either talking to you, to himself or to nothing
He will, out of the blue, jerk his body, yell with his tongue out, or throw whatever is in his hand
He acts first-thinks later

I love my son, just the way he is. Just the way God made him. Somedays, I really wonder why God made such a breed of human, but then I see how he brings balance to our home. His joy is overflowing, always ready to make us laugh. We can choose to embrace his gifts. Or get frustrated that he is not like us.

God has made us each so individually unique. I hear God saying today to celebrate the differences in those closest to us. Take today to appreciate the things that usually annoy you. Without those people in our lives, we wouldn't have opportunity to grow and learn new things.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My God is AWESOME.


He is the potter

We are the clay

Some people aren't comfortable with being shaped, pounded, remolded at best, let alone thrown into the fire to bake!
That would be me.

But I find peace in the process because I know my Father. He is love

When you are pushed to uncomfortable limits, you grow, you learn, you are stretched and you are humbled...

I am thankful for the bitter/sweetness of God loving us to new levels, new heights, newness

I am singing in my soul again.
My soul sings of hope. Jesus-THE HOPE OF GLORY- living in me

Hope does not disappoint
Even tho life can wear you down, stir doubt, and plant worry....
I choose to trust, obey and sing
God is into renewing
and remembering His promises He has made

He is Redeemer

God give me the grace to REcieve all your gifts. Everything has come from you. May you shine through me in seasons of cloud and darkness.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


EVERYTHING we've been given is a gift from above. A gift from the Father of lights.
He has entrusted us with these gifts and asks us to do and give our very best with what we've been given.

Our children
Our husbands
Our homes
Our vehicles
Our bodies
Our spirits (that's where He lives!)

Lord help me to cherish all that you have blessed me with

What do you feel thankful for and feel called to take extra special care?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Our faith

I must repeat what a friend said in my comments.....

Our faith is like the moon...
and New

That speaks to me today.

Monday, October 01, 2007

from weariness to truth

It's so hard to see my mom like this.

She can't breathe, she's in lots of pain. She can barely sit up for long periods, let alone shower, or go to the bathroom. She seems so fragile. Life seems so fragile. Her heart condition, they say is mostly related to stress. I've been trying to wrap my head around the fact that stress can put you in this kind of physical spot. Jesus was right when He said to cast our cares on Him. He was thinking of us in love when He told us to not worry about anything, but pray about everything.

Then I've been wondering are you ever too old to change something in your life.... They say that the longer you hold onto a habit, the harder it is to break. The longer you allow patterns in your life to form and take root, the harder it is to uproot them. I think of 2 generations older than me. My grandparents. I watch how my granny is totally set in her ways. You can't really tell her anything, because she already has it made up in her mind. Even though you know that there are more blessings that God has for someone of that age, they just can't seem to see it, recieve it, or believe it. Is there a point where you say in your spirit that "they are just too old, at this point, they can't understand...." It's almost like you "give up on them" That's how I feel. I don't want to give up on my mom. But she's been doing certain things for a long time. Her thought patterns are more than set. I see that she wants to change, but doesn't know how. I think of myself and how I want to change in certain areas and it seems even me at 28 years old, I am set in my ways and it's hard for even me to break free from certain thought patterns. how can my 55 year old mom do it? I see my grandparents and how I honestly can't ever see them stepping out of their little world as they know it.

I want to believe
I want to have faith
I don't want to give up on my mom

I want to pray
I don't know what to pray for
My faith is weary

I feel like the weeds are choking me out
I feel like the ravens have come to snatch my seeds

I feel like my soil is rock

I take comfort in knowing that God never changes.
I take comfort in knowing that He isn't interested in performance
I take comfort in knowing that He is God over all this cloudiness and that this season is temporary
He knows my thoughts before they leave my mouth
and he loves me just the same He understands
He is strong in weakness

Just like David COMMANDED his soul to worship,
so my lips speak of His greatness
I look up
I will step out of the boat again.
I will walk to Jesus on the water again.....
In time.......