hard things:
Kids in school is an adjustment to us all. The hard part about this is that yet another identity has been stripped from me. I am no longer "sarah-the homeschool mom" So I'm still wondering in yet a deeper painful way, "who am I"
We are approaching a very very difficult season. I can't share at all what it is, but needless to say, IT"S GOING TO HURTTTTTTTT! I do believe that much good will come out of it, otherwise there's no way I would walk this way if I didn't know God was calling us this way....So surrounding this is much much fear.....fear of what I'll find, fear of how much it will hurt...
Emotional eating. The first week the kids went back to school, it was a 'fall off the wagon' week. Of course compared to "fall off the wagon" one year ago looked alot different! Never the less, it's what's going on in my heart that matters. And turning to old ways of coping with fear and change wasn't fun. I'm still wobbly, I'd say that I'm half way back on the wagon (to my standards of eating) It really bums me out when I fill my body with junk! I physicaly and spiritually just feel like a lump of lard!
Good things:
Kids going to school. It's a very cool thing at the same time. There is a big part of me that's excited for new purpose and a new season that God is bringing to our family. The second week was much much better than the first. I am enjoying spending time with my baby girls one on two. We've gone swimming, story time at the library, we play playdoh, paint, play preschool computer games, read books, tell stories, visit kokum, visit auntie and daniel.....and this is just the beginning! Soon it will be nice out and we will be going for walks, to parks, to the zoo, on nature hikes, biking.....the list seems so ENDLESS to me! two kids? how long has it been since I've only had two kids??????? try 9 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are approaching a difficult season. My spirit knows that this is a key ticket to my healing. I know in my spirit deep down that this pain will be the release of much hurt. My eyes of faith (if I still have some) sees as healing on the horizon. Sees a warrior emerging from deep within me. Sees a confidence that's never been there before, sees a deep tie to my Father and not to the things that leave me empty......
Emotional eating. When I compare one year ago to today, it's really actually unbelieveable to see "my emotional eating week" today, from last year. Let me paint it for you:
two years ago (before i started running)
Breakfast-2-3 pieces of toast loaded in butter, a bowl of cereal and my kids' leftover crusts!
snack-cookies (maybe as many as 5-10!)
lunch-two bowls of kraft dinner with breaded chicken fingers. and my kids' left overs
snack-more bread with more butter or bagels, or english muffins or donuts......
supper- after eating a serving while cooking, i would eat two helpings of some kind of fattening food all gravy, all sauce, all bread.....AND the kids' left overs and while cleaning up....more food!
before bed- cookies, or brownies, or icecream or popcorn, but 4-5 times out of the week, i would eat myself stuffed before bed.
alot of this food would be thrown up. My body exhasted from digesting a sick amount of food PLUS the work of all the vomiting.....
A fairly normal healthy eating day. But when the kids got home from school, they were all hungry and I ate with them. Last week I was eating cookies and bread for comfort. The quanities were cut in at least half. and not throwing up! I still had my regular workouts and am turning it around each day.
So there you have it.....once again.....I'm wearing out the saying, "BITTERSWEET"
But that's what my life is......bittersweet
no numbness around here!
I don't know exactly how to put my feelings into words but I'll try. It hit me when I read the phrase "sarah-the homeschool mom"...when you take away the homeschool mom part, what are you left with? SARAH!!! You are free to be who you are, beautiful inside and out. You don't need a label to be the crazy, funny, family loving, emotion embracing, lovely person you are. Hope that make sense! Love ya!
Oh my gosh......
You ARE wearing OUT the saying "bittersweet"!!
"I am headed down this road unknown....
sometimes I feel like I'm walking this road alone....
This is the most bittersweet road I've known.....
This road I'm headed for I know will come with trials.
To fully understand why I know will take awhile....
Still I will trust you for many more unknown miles.....
and I'll do it all with MY OWN UNIQUE BENT AND STYLE!"
I love you soooo much! You'd think I was getting my ( . ) but I'm not! I'm ( . ) ' less!
You are so amazing! And I'm not saying that because I'm your sister! I'm saying that because I'm your admirer! You're so cool! In everything you do! Because you do everything with this amazing thing called "realness". YOU ARE THE REAL DEAL. What you are going through is the real deal! What you are feeling is the real deal! What you are thinking is the real deal! The only difference is the details of YOUR road are CRAZYYYYYY! But it's all the same!!!
Like YOU said, it's about the heart! And what's going on in your heart is going on in ALL our hearts. You being honest and real and open is encouraging more people than you know, that we are not alone, and that we all have a choice, and that God loves us NO MATTER WHAT. And that God is faithful NO MATTER WHAT. And that He is WITH us through it all........ even the bittersweet, even the unknown.
May we all proclaim:
"For you lead out the prisoners into prosperity!!"
Because we've all been imprisoned by our own opinion of "me".......
Looking forward to finding you some MUCH NEEDED window coverings tomorrow. Love you.
Sarah, I so wish we could sit down and chat. I'm sure I'd have much to glean from your experience of healing and the refining you are walking through. I believe I am entering a refining season now.
You have come so far from last year and are able to recognize old patterns and restrain them. That is huge! As for all the life transitions, see it as an adventure! And for all the healing/cleansing time, may the Spirit give you strength and continue to help you to face the mountains with courage, strength and realness and above all give you LIFE, and life more abundantly!
i just love you. i love who you are and what you stand for. even when you mess up, you persevere and get back up! praise God.
Sarah the__fabulous___. Sarah the wonderful. Sarah the God seeker. Sarah the person who messes up, but is still loved and seeks forgiveness. Sarah the craziest woman I know. Truly I think it's almost a toss up between you and Ninette. I think if my sister ever comes to visit the four of us should go out. :) SO when does the movie/book come out on your life. I can't wait to hear about this new adventure.
Hey Carebear, how's that hard road goin'? HUGS!!!!
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