Sunday, October 29, 2006

Caleb went to be with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ yesterday morning at 6:30am. Even though his condition seemed stable, he was not improving and it would seem that he was just tired of fighting.
I am so thankful that he now has a new body, and for the first time he is able to talk and walk.
Caleb's life celebration will be Wednesday November 1, 2pm at Hope Fellowship Church. All are welcome.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I am writting on behalf of Carebear to let you know what is going on so that you can pray.

Caleb went into the hospital Monday which has really thrown us for a tizzy. He has a really bad pneumonia in both his lungs and possibly in his blood. We are going through a roller coaster of emotions as the doctors will tell us that he might not make it, then they tell us that he may pull through. The fact of the matter is that only God knows as this point.

Our breif moment of encouragement came yesterday in the form of Caleb opening his eyes and looking around for about 15 minutes or so. He got to see all of his family and extended family and made us all smile.

We are spending the majority of our time at the hospital and other kids are completely out a whack from the hospital visits and sleep overs at relatives and church family.

Last night as Caleb's blood\oxygen saturation levels continue to drop to an all time low, the doctors took us aside for the second time and told us to make sure to say our goodbye's to Caleb. We had intended to stay the night just in case he passed in the night, but by 10 o'clock, his levels were back up to normal.

Please pray for Caleb, the kids and us as we are struggling through this time.

Monday, October 16, 2006

here's a post with some substance

Baby and weight gain:

I went to my doctor today to find out that I have gained 10 pounds in one month!!!!!!! YIKES. I'm not totally shocked at this news since I have been eating whatever I want whenever I want it. I told my doctor that for the year that I was on weight watchers, I NEVER ordered fries with my meals, never ate the kids left overs, didn't really eat before bed...(you know, old habits that I've had) And since I've been pregnant, I just have been lazy with my eating habits. She gave me strict orders not to eat anymore fries.....etc....
As soon as I got home, I told Joe that I need his help and told the kids that I'm not allowed to eat their food.
As far as my throwing up issues, I still do that occasionally. I definitly do it less because I feel guilty that I'm pregnant. My doctor knows about it and she says that the amount of occurances will not affect the baby. (considering that i gained 10 sure the baby is fine!!) I have never completely stopped the binging and purging for 14 years, but it slows down in my pregnancies in fear that I could hurt the baby.

The baby's heart beat couldn't be found today, but neither my doctor or I are worried and since I've felt the baby move lots since I've been home, everything is okay. She thinks my placenta is in the front of my belly. Never had that before. So I get to go for an ultrasound tomorrow to make sure everything's good.


The activity is never ending around here. Whether someone is pounding nails, cutting windows out in our house, unloading lumber.....The frames are up and it's starting to look like our new house.

Joe and I:

Joe and I are doing really well. We are at a real growth period in our walk together. We are close to eachother and feel very blessed to have one another.

Homeschool and kids:

Homeschool has been hard with all the reno's. We plug away and do what we can, when we can. With all the extra appointments and reno inturruptions, I feel off schedule. I love our schedule tho. It's easy to follow and my house is at an organized point to really get our acedemics done. We have a special spot for:
Library books, cd's, videos
Math blocks
Piano practising cd's and books
Arts and crafts
Pens, pencils, paper, school books and supplies
The kids are doing well, except I'm feeling with Noah that the heart issues are not getting through. we are learning about obedience right now and when we read out of the bible, he just doesn't seem interested. He'll gobble his math, his reading and all the other stuff, but these heart issues are hard to get through.

House work:
SIGH Because we are ALL upstairs and one child has NO room, our laundry is always the issue. If I can figure out the laundry, I would be pretty much on top of the rest. My new kitchen is still awesome with my new built in dishwasher. Our table is now super long and with the back bench, there is always enough room for school books, crafts and meals.

That is my update for now.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

You want to see our new van and pics???

Joe has posted pictures of our new van and the 20,000$ presentation ceremony of president's choice children's charity grant! Please check it out, since then I don't have to blog it twice of course!
Let me know what you think!!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

the shower was a great success!

Thanks to all who came to bless ninette and daniel.........and chris........
of course, we couldn't keep him away, even if we tried! LOL He was the only guy at the shower, apart from Llo calling me 30 minutes before it started to ask if her hubby could come. I told her that if he came, chris wouldn't be the only guy. LOL

I collected enough money from people to buy them the fanciest swing, a stereo for Daniel's room and enough on a gift card for them to buy a baby monitor! So many people gave generously! THANK YOU for making those gifts a reality! And of course, all the other gifts were sooooooo cute!!!

My hubby was on "inventory duty" last night. apparently it's once a year....He got home at 3 am! So of course, he's still in bed! It's nice to plan our school around Joe's hours. If Joe starts at 12:30 pm, then our school goes from 1 to 6ish. if he starts at 9, then we go regular hours 9-3. this week, he works tuesday-saturday. so that will be our school week.

I'm having a ton of fun with this KONOS curriculum! it's a blast. every week, i go to the library and gather my materials, cd's, dvd's, books, crafts......and plan our week.
Our new unit is on OBEDIENCE!! I think I need this one for me!
Definition: To do what it asked of you with a submissive heart
How to obey: Immediately
We will be studying lighthouses, light, crime and punishement and many many bible stories! I'm super excited!

Well, today we are cleaning out our basement to get ready for those reno's. Gotta change a poopy bum.....