Wednesday, May 10, 2006

50 pounds down, This is only the beginning....

God has done it.....
He has finished a part of the journey
He now has to take me into new parts of the promised land.
As God always does, we think we've arrived, and He again tells us we are only beginning!

As of today, I am my goal weight. I have lost a total of 50 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told Joe this morning, and he said, it funny, cause it doesn't seem that you've made many lifestyle changes....
Hmmmm, We realized that it's taken me 10 months to get here and the change was so gradual that it didn't seem so drastic. Looking back to 10 months ago, my relationship with food was totally different. I still overeat sometimes, and have the very odd, occasional slip with throwing up, but God really has changed me!
10 months ago, I was a closet eater. 2/3rds of all I ate was done in secret. I ate in the middle of the night and as soon as I got up in the morning. I would eat before we would go out to eat. I would eat my "leftover's" when we got home. I thought about food or eating all the time. I would get grumpy if there was no food, or if I didn't get my "time alone" with my food. Family trips were especially hard for me, because I would be too embarrased to eat the amounts I usually do infront of everyone. I would lay in bed every night and repent to God of how food over takes me. I would dream of all I would do the next day to change my habits. But the next day was defeated immediatly by biting into chocolate, or cookie dough.
..........It affected my relationship with everyone! My spiritual condition spilled over to everyone around me. My husband suffered becuase I was depressed with myself. Our intamacy suffered becuase of my lack of confidence, energy, and preoccupation with my issues. My children suffered becuase when mom needed "time to herself" they just had to deal with it. I was always tired, always out of breath, and out of shape. My extra weight made my feet hurt, my legs and i had many headaches. I hated the thought of stairs, long walks or knowing I forgot something and had to go back and get it.
........ When I write about it, I can't believe that I lived like that! And it fills me with gratefulness that God saw me worth it to come and help me get out of that pit.
I was telling my friend the other day that I feel "normal" She laughed. I don't think she really understood what I meant. Becuase I had such an unormal life, I've always longed to see food as just I've wanted to go to a buffet and just eat till I was satisfied. I would look at "normal people" (people that had a normal relationship with food) and wanted to be like them. But didn't know how to get there.
(This post is the contrast of where I was and where God has brought me. Please know that it was very many baby steps of obedience and MUCH GRACE that has gotten me here.)
But now, I feel yucky if I'm over full. I have 3 normal meals a day. I make wise choices. I have room in my brain for other things! I'm not tired all the time. I have energy! I can run up the stairs 2 at a time! I can play with my kids in the park. And our marriage really has gotten better! I am at peace with food. I am at peace with God and with others....(most of the time) Compared to before, I feel like the yoke of slavery really has been lifted off! So, becuase of this, I am free to serve, love, worship, and just be my silly ol me!

I have really been convicted that gluttony needs to be called what it is. We use other names like "bulemia" or "compulsive overeating" as terms for "eating disorders" when most of the time it really is just sin. When I use the word "bulemia" in my testimony, please know that I do not have an "eating disorder" as what the doctors would call it. I simply used to eat to the point where i'd feel sick and not want to reap the consequences of the calories. So by my choice, I would throw up the food. Over time, it became a habit and a stronghold. But it all started with a sin. I misplaced heart that should have belonged to God. I have a deep conviction that women are being decieved. They are being told that their eating habits are because they are victims. We are all responsible for our every action. No matter what our circumstance, we are still called to have no false gods and are held accountable by God if we do.

The fruit is endless. There is much more, but don't feel free to share all of it yet. Maybe if you get me for a coffee, I can share more revelations that God has shown me. This just scracthes the surface.
All because my God gave His son to die.....for me......can I be really free.....
Thank you Jesus!


Nin said...

God has truly brought you through a complete transformation! I'm amazed when I look at where you are, and where you came from. I notice the changes, no matter how small, there are drastic endless changes you have made. Like that one time I drove by your house and saw your neighbor, and for a split second I thought it was the old you. It's still so amazing to see the new you, or the real you I should say. I agree, totally, these sins need to be recognized for what they are, sin. We are not victims, and we will not get anywhere if we don't understand that. Excersise, gym memberships, diets and good intentions are meaningless. Our repentance, and God's grace is the only answer. You have fully walked in these two things, and now you can reap the fruit (some of it). I love that you continue to give all credit to God, and Him blessing your obedience. By the word of that testimony many will come to reap the same blessing. Love you! So proud of you!

Trail Rider said...

I am very proud of you babe, you started this journey and have seen it through to the end. I am so lucky to have you to walk our journeys through together. This is just one of the many pieces of fruit that God is going to bless you with. Obedience is truly greater than sacrifice (I Samuel 15:22) - when we obey God, He takes care of all our other obligations. (Matt. 6:33)

Crystal said...

you are an inspiration to all of us.....thanks for coming to my ladies night in......I am blessed to have a friend like you!

Tina said...

I am so excited for you...and inspired by you! Thanks for sharing this!!

Kim Funk said...

wow that was incredible...50 pounds is my goal weeight too,,so far i have lost 10 pounds, and the weird part is that its come off my legs and right under neath my bra?weird hey? but then where my prego belly was i still have a pot going ont there? and im not sure why it wotn come off there?maybe because having a c-section could do that..but who knows..anyway great job sarah...i also wanted to add how well written your blogs are there so beatifull..well done!
take care

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ said...

It's a "God thing"! Today I finally dedicated to God I would begin losing weight. I need to lose much more than you have. My husband helped me pick out healthier foods today. And then, read your post. THANK YOU for sharing your heart. Would you mind e-mailing me and letting me know what you did to make the lifestyle changes. I am at this point trying to cut down, and eat healthier and eliminate as much sugar as possible (ooohhh, pray for PMS days & chocolate cravings). But, I'd love to hear more from you. Please??!!


Tanya said...

Amazing Sarah...truly amazing! God has done wonderful things in your life...He will continue to do a good work in you.

I too have had success...but like you, its only by the grace of God that I have been successful. He gets all the glory and my praise. Since your last post on your weight loss, I've lost 28lbs as of today. I have a long way to go, but through Him...all things are possible. Thanks so much for inspiring us...not only to lose weight, but to give God all the glory in our success! If we truly have Him as our guide.

Princess Warrior said...

Yay you did it. I am so proud of you. We will have to go for one of those long walks you don't dread anymore. I love you and know that the walk will come on just the right day:)

Trail Rider said...

Tanya that's awesome! You are well on your way! That;s nearly 30 pounds! that's as much as my whole 4 year old weighs!
What a journey....
I'm so thankful that i've had you and others along the way! could you link your weight loss blog to your site? then there would be a direct link...
thinking of it, i should really do it to my own blog.
thanks for sharing your fruit with us!
god bless

PW, that walk is really long over due! :( I miss you and we just need to make a time and day!!!!

Tanya said...

The weight loss blog is pretty much one really kept up with it, and I found that people weren't really serious about sorry about that.

BayouMaMa said...


Way to go Carebear!

I love your transparency! It's so easy to make excuses and say, "that's just the way God made me!" God did not make us gluttons or procrastinators or lazy (the latter two describing me *blush*)...choosing sin makes us that way. That's why choosing obedience can be so difficult...the enemy is always waving our faults and weaknesses in front of our faces...trying to distract us from what the Lord is wanting to do in us.

But praise God! We are not who the enemy says we are...we are who God says we are! We are fearfully and wonderfully made and we are MORE than conquerors!

I feel like shoutin'! {{Hugs!}}