Sunday, January 20, 2008

So what have I been doing?

1. Working really hard on my journey of losing weight. I have not missed a day since january 2nd in running on my parents treadmill. I go every second day for 30 minutes. I really enjoy that time to myself.

The problem is that you have to COMBINE diet and excercise to loose weight. I have been making some good changes during the day, but at night I really struggle. I want to snack on bad things, and alot of times, I give in. So I've only lost in 3 weeks, a meesly 3.5 pounds.

Trying to stay focused on not giving up and keeping my heart in check and in sync with the Lord. I've gotten rid of much of my music this week and replaced it with some praise worship techno. I trust that God will fill all that I need when it comes to my needs with music. (i'm kinda picky with the beat that I like to work out to)

2. Homeschool, of course! It was a nice december break, baking.....eating! :0 making crafts and enjoying family time. Right back into our schedule with a few more additions to the mix. Noah has a new social studies program that we started half way through the year, so the pressure is on to get caught up so he can finish the grade 3 package. Isaiah is determined to pick up cursive writing! It's so funny how they can be so different. I can still barely read noah's printing, but Isaiah is ready and we're going for it! She is still in the process of learning to read. But things will be much easier when she masters that.

3. This is lame.....but I have to say it....
I've changed my laundry schedule! YIPPEE! when you have a family of 6, laundry scheduling is top priority. You do NOT have the option to leave laundry to chance. So, for the last year, I've been doing it ONCE A WEEK! can you imagine? 9 loads all piled into a mountain calling to be conquered! All day to wash and all the next day to fold and put away.
The pro? I didn't ahve to look at it for the rest of the week!
The new schedule? One or two loads everyday. I was so sick of the mountain! I'm one of those pendulum swingers that need serious change to motivate me! Now there are 5 piles on the laundry room floor. Girls clothes, noah's clothes, socks and cloths, towels, and a pile for mine and joe's clothes.
So when Noah's pile builds up, his clothes go in and come out, he flods them and puts them away! EASY PEESY!
I can't stand to open the dryer and have things from every single room! this way, it's simplified and the kids can pick up the slack if it's their clothes coming out of the dryer.
Joe has appreciated not spending our weekends climbing mount laundrest.

4. Life group.
Joe and I have a life group at our home every tuesday. So much to say, but not free to. Other than we are being stretched, pulled, cooked, and being blessed beyond measure. it's a challenged being that we've never done this before, but are praying that God's will be done and His kingdom come. all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. I think where it's stretching us the most is our marriage. Learning to work as a team on a different game board. Staying in the word on a daily basis with 4 kids is a challenge, but is a must!!!!!

5. my mother..........
things still remain hard here. I have all these areas that I wish would change but they are out of my hands. The choices are up to my mom.....and most of the time, she chooses not to choose them. but how does god work? HE WORKS WITH YOU! what he wants YOU to do. MY attitude to it. And honestly, I fail it seems everytime! so hard to watch someone get sicker and sicker. If you feel led to pray for my mom and our family, your prayers would be wonderful.

well, that's some of what's going on, hope everyone is well, if you're still around and reading my blog, pop me a comment to say hi.


Monica said...

Just thought I'd stop in to say hi, I'm still reading. You may not believe it, but I'm always encouraged to read what you have to say. No matter what struggles you're facing I see you repeatedly come back to God, and that is a wonderful example to me.

Hang in there with the running! I wish I could say I was doing as well!

Nin said...

I too am changing my laundry to everyday/every second day. Although I doubt I'll have enough to do it everyday, it'll probably be every other day. I haven't started yet, but am looking forward to it. I find I do much better with small piles, I'm quicker to want to put it away, but when there's lots, I hate putting it away. So I'll give it a shot and update you on how it's working for me too.
It's so true about excersize AND diet. I have not been excersizing, and I can feel that there's something missing. The maintenance has been going ok tho, and I've been enjoying things in MODERATION, this is what normal feels like lol.
I agree with the life group stuff and the mom stuff. Am there too. God spoke the same stuff to me this morning, about my attitude, and choosing to trust Him NO MATTER WHAT.
Love you, enjoy the pot pies.

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back but also taking a brack refills the tanks as well. I'm down to my last resort with excersizing, typing (bounce) and enjoying (bounce)your blog on the (bounce)ball from Walmart.(bounce)

Anonymous said...


Janelle said...

i still check in from time to time! hope that's ok!! :) still sad that you can't check mine though!!!! :(
i love how you are always trying to adjust your life to better suit your kids, time with God and make everything easier on yourself. i'm so afraid of change and i just stay in this rutt where i get stressed out...hopefully your post will have some influence on my decisions this week! HUGS!

Laurie said...

what a great way to update. You sound really upbeat! That is sooo great!

I had a bit of a rough few days after getting home from holidays....a different person that I didn't like.....that was me! But I have become more focused! And it is going so much better!

Good for you on the weight loss....3.5 lbs is great!!! Are you doing weight watchers again? I love to have a snack in the I usually try to save some points for that...and it is usually cereal....kind of soothes the sweet tooth, too :)

The laundry idea....hmmmmm, you might have a great idea there....and I might just have to try it. It is soooo never ending, hey! :)

Thanks for your encouragement!

Nin said...

washing my cutlery tray today, and appreciating a clean house lol...u?

Anonymous said...

Well you know I am always reading! Good for you with the running, the excercise part is what I am struggling with because it puts me into so much pain. But I gave up Coke and eating past 8 p.m. now it's the rest of the day I am working on but that is definitely a work in progress. We are leaving for Mexico on Friday so if I don't get to talk to you before then, I hope you have a great week!

Trail Rider said...

Our kitchen was a "bomb" last night. But I'm not even thinking that it's dirty at all~ yes, I'm enjoying my clean house.

I had to open my eyes a couple of times last night when I was in bed to remind myself that I was home. I kept seeing those bugs when i would close my eyes.

Trail Rider said...

nel, i want one of those balls! but i keep hesitating because i have a feeling that it would get in the way and get annoying/ is that true?

Dianna said...

Good to have you back! Missed you!

Jenny said...

Great update!! I really struggle with laundry and the only way I can keep on top of it is do it daily. Otherwise it's like everything else for me, the pile keeps getting bigger and suddenly I'm overwhelmed!!
yay for the exercising and eating well! 3.5 pounds is an accomplishment. Better than gaining 3.5 pounds!!!
Hope today is a great day for you!

Trev and Rebekah said...

HI! Laundry is the one thing I enjoy doing. I would rather do that than than cook.
It's hard to stay focused on a diet. I am glad you have alone time and don't worry about how much you lose. I try to remind myself that weight doesn't affect my salvation. I'm sure your hubby loves you just the way you are but I am proud of you for wanting to make healthy life style choices.

Anonymous said...

It does need a place that's true, but it doubles as a toy for the kids. Can't say it has never annoyed me, it has!!! So yes, it's true, but my house is huge.

Laidies, how would you like to have to do your laundry every Wednesday morning, haul it in the baskets with a wagon to the laundry about 40 meters and back when done. If your family is bigger you get to do that twice a week. Lucky for me, I love doing laundry.

Tanya said...

Hey Sarah...I still check out your blog too...I'm quite busy these days with school...well lets put that another way...I'm ALOT busy with school. Its a big adjustment, and I'm still adjusting!!

Thanks for your comment the other day on my is nice to know that I'm not alone when I feel like that.

I hope you have a great week! (((HUGS)))