THe very representation of love
God, became the form of a man, took punishment for nothing. Died on a cross! Died while I was still being a shmuck!! He hung there, with no sin, and took my sin...ALL OF IT...even the sins I haven't even done yet....
Just so that we could be reconciled.....together.....have intimate relationship.....
So I will respond to God's unconditional love by forgiving others. There was no sin too great for Christ to die for, so it will be with me. He died for murders, prostitutes, rapists, even....child molesters!
How can we grasp this kind of love? There is no one righteous, not even one.
We all need the cross..... God, I choose to forgive. Day after day. You've commanded us this for our own freedom, for the reconciliation of us to you, from us to others. For unity, for peace. Forgiveness is the only way. To bear the pain. To lay our rights aside. To loose our life so we can gain it......
I pray for all my friends, family to remember this holiday season that Jesus came all the way to this sinful planet as a mere man, for reconciliation.....What greater news is there to share?
there is no greater news.....
I love you so much.....
Don't even know what else to say.....
"call the poliiiiiicccce!" (walrus, from Ren and Stimpy)
I had that quote ringing in my head and had to share it with someone. There.
I love how you write. Have a great holiday.
Have a Blessed Merry Christmas!
I love that picture;) Reconciliation is all we have. I was talking with someone today about wounding and how it can ruin great relationship. I realized that whenever I stay wounded it usually has to do with my pride and wanting my opinion to be heard or exalted. My sister once said to me that as long as I know i can do something it doesn't matter if others know if I can do it.
Well I hope you are having a great vacation!!!
Hi!!! And a Merry Christmas to you too. Loved the blog about the masks. Loved looking in on both you and Joe and keeping you in my prayers. God conitues to amase me by the work he is doing in your family. Nel
So do you have an evangelistic heart?
I just had a thought. Did you pull the reconciliation picture on the web? I was thinking you had got it from my facebook, because i took a picture of that very statue when i was in coventry. too funny.
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