Sunday, December 09, 2007

The reasons why

Convicted yet again over my reasons for loosing weight. I went out for coffee with a friend the other night and we talked about where our hearts were. I was very upfront and honest. I knew the reasons why. Mostly to be thin and to feel good about myself. What happened to being obedient to my Lord and Savior? What happened to being passionately sick of the sin of gluttony? Over time, my heart turned from right motives to wrong ones. Not to say that my heart went from holy to evil, but sliding off track in my desires. Deep down, I desire right relationship with my Daddy in heaven, it's so easy to get distracted.

God is shedding light on parts of me that need unconditional love. We all do as humans, we were created that way, so that we could find that unconditional love in Him, the one who created us. Our creator put it deep down to search for it. And most of us search for it in the wrong place. For me, He has opened my eyes to show that I am hoping to gain that acceptance from being thin. It's sad, I know.....Shallow even. Well, honestly, I don't see it that way. It's just a misplaced need that needs correction and healing.

I just pray that relationship will be restored, doing this for Him and no one else.

I've still been running, and having a blast on my parents new treadmill. I am being faithful to the walk, but there's a huge thing missing. My passion for righteousness. To say no to that extra cookie, not because I ran out of points, but because I'm full and want to submit my flesh to God. I want to die to self so He may live in me....

I want to run with that picture of Jesus at the end of the finish line cheering me on, teaching my along the way of faithfulness, steadfastness and trusting in Him. Not to run with a thin me in my head to keep me going!

These are my thoughts. I pray that God can do a change in my heart. One that lasts, for fruit that lasts


Madame Angela Baggett said...

I know how you feel some. I haven't struggled before with my weight or self-image so much, but I have noticed that I am gaining some unhealthy thought patterns and eating through the years. Eating is a big deal here, especially during thanksgiving and xmas. I do pretty good shopping for good food and eating good, except when there is sweets around, or sweets brought to us or incredible, rich foods for the holidays. I've eaten and felt like I had over done it. Sometimes it doesn't even taste good, but I use it to fill an emotional desire of fullness or luxury or comfort. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. May we both find strength through this treacherous eating season!

Crystal said...

I can relate to this exact struggle, I am glad that God is revealing truth to you!
Love you

Laurie said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Again, something I needed to read!!