Sunday, December 04, 2005

Holy moment

Come boldly to the throneroom of grace!

I have to share this "Holy moment" with you!
I was on my way to my friend Morgan's to drop off something and God met me powerfully in my car. By the time I got there, I was a pile of goo. God's faithfulness, His forgiveness, is overwhelming at times. My spirit was able to grasp His deep love for me, and His desires for me. Those of you that read my blog know that I've had a bad week. I returned to Eygpt thinking I may be able to have my cake and eat it too. Thinking that I had the right and ability to lead my own life. It's been very very hard to pick myself up out of my mud pile! But I did, and WOW, I can't believe how God meets you right there, with an open hand. My sister wrote this a couple of days ago in my comment box:

"When Peter looked down at the water, Jesus did not respond with contempt. He looked Peter in the eye and gently asked, why did you doubt? He picked him up and gently placed him back in the boat, to rest and recover until he was ready for another round. You have not failed, you have only looked down. You don't get a big fat "F", you get a first hand personal lift from the Son of the living God, who will carry you to your next place of testing. It's not about your perfection, it's about your direction. Know where you're headed and claim it. Your testimony is bigger than you know, through the times of victory and joy, as well as through the times of struggle and muck."

God's knows that we will doubt sometimes, that we will fall. That's why while we were STILL sinners, HE DIED FOR US. We all fall short and always will. I think God is really getting through that it's not about perfection.....BUT DIRECTION!

I was on my home from my friend's, driving down circle drive heading west at around 4:15 or so. Now at that time of day, the sun was glaring BRIGHT in my eyes, right in front of me. All of a sudden something bursted out of my spirit!

It reminded me of when you have been driving for hours to get to another city, you usually get there at night and can see the lights of the city beaming in the sky! You are so excited that you're almost there, you can't wait to get there! You can't take your eyes off the city lights that are getting closer and closer!
You drive and drive for it seems like forever, but eventually, you get there!

As I was driving into the son (I mean sun)..., I was listening to "Holy moment" And I had the most beautiful picture of a spiritual truth. I am driving into the SON! All I could see was a little bit of road, through the rays of brightness. I thought about putting my visor down, but NO, I wanted to see Him! I'll never forget that moment. THe words "run, run, run through your gates oh God. With my hands held high and my heart bowed down, We come with a shout of LOVE WITH SHOUTS OF LOVE.......let this be a holy moment now"

Well, I shouted so loud I think I could have blown the glass off my car!
I don't have to be afraid. I don't have to be ashamed. I don't have to be anything....JUST ME....and come......

His strentgh is made PERFECT in my weakness.
As I drove into the sun today, I want to keep that in my heart forever. That's where I'm headin! Into God's glory! Into His righteousness! Into His bright love for me! It's not out of my reach tho. I don't have to drive hours and hours to get there. If we drove around the world we would never actually get to the sun. Our God is there shining BRIGHTLY ON US whenever we are driving in the right direction. It's not about the destination, but about the journey, about RIGHT NOW. ABout making THIS moment a Holy moment!

I am overwhelmed people. What else can I say?


Tina said...

Wow...I am overwhelmed too. This post brought me to tears! I have had a rough week, too...been made very aware of my weakness and failings...thanks for sharing your Holy Moment with us. I know I needed it!

Nin said...

Praise God, He is so worthy and awesome! The word that is sticking out in my heart is "purpose". You are walking in purpose girl!!! and that is so contageous, you don't have to do anything for it to spread, it's like a wild fire!

Crystal said...

Thanks for sharing....I needed it as well.......there is a big spiritual battle going on for my mind and the last few days have been extremely difficult........I had to change my blog address because of threats made against me.
So I hope you still come and visit me at my new blog address.
There is an explanation there of what happened.....your prayers are appreciated!

Princess Warrior said...

Sarah you are crazy cool. I just wanted to say I love you and if you need anything I am only a ohio oops that is a phone call away. I am here for you and you can't shock me anymore:) Love you! And don't let no stinkin' lies tell you I am too busy for you, I will be the judge of that!

Moose said...

Wow. You met God. Very Cool. Very Exciting and Encouraging. "run, run, run through your gates oh God. With my hands held high and my heart bowed down, We come with a shout of LOVE WITH SHOUTS OF LOVE.......let this be a holy moment now" Awesome! Bless Ya -Moose

Janelle said...

i am so glad that you were able to have that "moment" and that you were blessed in that way. and through it, you could bless us!

Jenny said...

What a beautiful, spiritual moment. When I first started reading your blog, I felt a little overwhelmed...maybe a little scared of your faith. I have taken lots in through you and I thank you. I believe things in life happen for a reason. I developed a great friendship with Tanya, at a time when I have been searching and I think that all sorts of doors have been opening for me since then.
Thanks for sharing!

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Hey Carebear,

Just read Nin's blog and thought I'd come on over. Good, good stuff there I must say. I love that bit about Peter. I am so very faithless most days, you sister-chicks have given me a good kick today!!