Friday, December 02, 2005

How can it be??

All I have to say is that I watched the concert of the Heart today. I heard myself give a powerful testimony of not giving up and persevering through. I saw a gracious and powerful God in me, declaring the I am a new creation and that He will complete the work He started. I watched the dance that me and my sis did to the song "Even If" by Zoegirl. Lyrics here. I watched the song that Lloanne, nin and Aline did. Bawled throught that too! I NEED ALL OF YOU! I NEED MY CHURCH FAMILY. without you, I would seriously die. I can't imagine walkin this road alone. I am so in awe of how much I need you and how God put me here in the midst of all of you. THANK YOU LORD! Those of you that read this and don't have a family----GET ONE! YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!

I was so convicted, encouraged and relieved. I was refreshed renewed and amazed that it's really not about perfection. It's about direction. We all fall. We have all fallen short. We will always fall short.
But the good news of Jesus is that our debt is paid and He offers forgiveness and new mercy right NOW! He offers us grace to get up. Grace to repent. Grace to walk against the storm. These truths and everything else in the amazing living word of God NEEDS TO BE HIDDEN IN OUR HEARTS! It needs to be written there inside of us. When lies come, and they will, what are you going to do? Fight the spiritual battle around you with reason? With statistics? With exuses?


I choose to get up, brush the crusty mud off and walk as who I really am. A child of THE king. To face the mess I made and trust that God will help me clean it up.

It was just so weird to have myself preaching to myself.......(when I watched the video tape of the COTH)

What we have as kids of the king is a living hope that never spoils perishes or fades. The only way that can be stolen from you is if you believe a false claim. A lie, something NOT TRUE. I have the tools. I know the word and want to know it more. I know that nothing can steal my living hope if I choose to hold on to it.

As I've said before, time to keep on truckin' I'm not going to give up! By His grace I can DO THIS!


Moose said...

GRIN! Now THAT's What I'M Talkin' about! WOW...yeah...go carebear go! Ya got a whole church rootin' ya on! Bless Ya! Moose

Tanya said...

Amazing Grace
how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
but now am found
was blind
but now I see

Thats what came to me while I was reading this. Grace is amazing!!