Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I have to try this!

Okay janelle had this post where she just wrote all the interesting things about herself. and it looked like alot of fun and it was totally fun reading it!

Okay where do I start....

I told my sister to rollerskate down the basement stairs. We had a macaroni fight while our parents were at work when we were little. I love giving birth. The last baby, I even asked for a mirrior to see faith come out! My kids are supposed to be doing their "chore packs" right now. I am really good at drawing cartoons. I used to throw up before parties when I was a teen because I was so excited. I ran away when I was 12. I gave my mom a ton of gray hair, I made my dad loose his hair. My sister made the rest of mom's hair gray and the last strands of hair on my dad fall out.

I love dancing hip hop. I dance in front of my kids all the time. I used a pretend microphone as a kid. I bite my nails and the skin around it. when I paint my nails, I bite the polish off and spit it out. I am studying about laziness and being a Godly wife right now. My favorite movies are Labrinth, Italian job, Uncle Buck, signs and many more. I used to fold all underwear until the 3rd child. I usually can't eat anything unless it has a spicy kick to it. I absolutly love doing pilates! I can't stand changing other people's kids diapers, but my own can be as stinky as can be and I'm cool with that. My worst favorite chore is cleaning the bathroom. I LOVE rainbows! I will stay up at any hour to see a storm blow in, even if that means standing out in the hail and wind.

I was super good at Tae kwon do. I won the national championships in my belt level. I was a speed swimmer with the lasers. The best thing to do in the summer is get to some water, swim and watch your skin turn color. I slept in my closet when I was 13 for a whole month. I pierced my nose with my mom when I was 15. I pierced my belly button twice with a safety pin. I hated school. Homeschooling is my passion. I married my highschool sweetheart. I was the only married student in my highschool. I was in drug rehab twice. I absoulty love the movie "prince of egypt". I can't stand Teletubbies. I LOVE my church family.

My dad tried to spank me when I was 16! My mom stood on a chair while we flapped all around yelling at us to stop. LOL My mom broke her pinky finger on my head. I have the bestest parents ever!! They taught me how to have fun, to laugh and stay close! We always laugh about all we did. I love the book "every women's battle" I am careful to keep good boundries around our marriage to keep it safe. I twisted my knee off one time while I was doing the "carlton dance" and I hobbled to the doctors hanging off my sisters shoulder! She laughed uncontrolably at my pain. She also laughed her face off when I slammed my toe in the door(to which I still have no feeling in since December!) I left my 2 year old in minus forty weather one block away from Idlyld all alone and I drove away!

I love gardening! Still learning! I don't know if I want more kids. Some days I do, some days I DO NOT! I used to wear hippie dresses with combat boots. My parents had to hide those boots in the oven to keep me from running away. I have learned alot from the 12 step program. I love cooking. One time I cooked a whole turkey with an SOS pad at the bottom of the roaster. I secretly phoned the poison control center before feeding the turkey to my guests. After dinner I told them that the turkey was cooked with an SOS pad! I left a pan of brownies in the oven for 3 and half hours on christmas eve. when we got home from the candle light service, it was a big black brick!

I would always burn my head with my curling iron as a teen. I would wear my dad's clothes and shoes to school. I am a die hard Super Nintendo fan (the old kind) Mc kids, Super mario kart, mortal combat are my fav games. My mom used to sew our sheets to the matress every week! I used to have pet grasshoppers as a kid and take care of them. One time, I lost one and my whole family went out to look for "hoppy" for an hour! I had one job my whole life and got fired for stealing. My hubby got hired on at Sasktel!

I love/don't love how God doesn't tell us what's next! The word of God is the manual and source of life for all things!!!! Get to know Jesus, Life won't be so lonely and hopeless!! Without my fellow travellers in this journey with God, I would be lost!!!! I love how God designed us to sharpen eachother! I love/ don't love correction. I always thank God after being disciplined. I grieve for hurting marriages. I have a heart for those in bondage to overeating and eating disorders. I have a passionate hate towards sexual immorality. not for the person, but the sin.

I love blogging, sledding, swimming, exersicing, movies, eating out, hanging out with the best of friends, talking about the important things in life, and all of YOU!

How's that for useless information!!!

Well, that's it for now.


Kim Funk said...

neato..you learn alot when a person makes a blog like this...i have so many questions hahah so how come you left your 2 year old in -40 weather?....i will start with that one hahaha

Trail Rider said...

I knew someone would ask about that one! didn't think it would be the first question!

I picked up my friend and told my kids to stay in the van. I went into my friends house and while I was getting her, my son, got out of the van to come and get me. Not knowing that, my friend and I got into the van and drove away! 4 blocks away, my friend said, "where's Noah???" I totally LOST IT !! Drove like a maniac back to where she lived and he was walking in the direction that we drove off crying his eyes out!!! Such a sad story!

Jenny said...

Those things happen. 3 years ago when we lived in our other house my husband and I were sleeping in. Unbeknownst to us, my 3 year old (Josey) got up, got his jacket off and went over to Gramma and Grampa's (they lived next door). They were just on the way out for breakfast and nearly backed into him and brought him over. We slept during the whole time!!!!!!
Lesson learn, use the chain on the door at night!!
Sorry for rambling. I loved learning all those facts about you! When you burned your head did you also let your hair smoke in the curling iron? I remember doing that!
Thanks for sharing!!

Nin said...

So fun,
Lol to the broken knee and numbed toe. Lol to mom breaking her finger on you and dad wrestling you to the ground for a lickin'. Do we really sound that disfunctional? Lol to the SoS pad turkey, and mom sewing our sheets to our beds.
At least I make up for my part of moms hair by dying it, I guess dad's out of luck.
Thanks for the memories

Jenny said...

Oh yeah, I laughed really hard at the SOS pad thing. I've made tuna casserole and served it and realized there was no tuna in it! guess i am a bit of a ditz at times!!!

Tanya said...

I'm so glad you did this. And it wasn't useless information either. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and could relate alot of it. I lost my daughter at Safeway! That's an awful feeling.

Its nice to see the not so serious side of you as well. Thanks for sharing.

Crystal said...

wow..lots of great info here for future use....lol.....if you ever get on my case about something I will pull this blog out...LOL. I am only joking...it sure gives a clearer picture of your life and how you got to where you are today.....God is sooo good!

Janelle said...

that was great! now i sure know a whole lot more about ya!

CWG said...

To funny there Carebear. Gee, you wouldn't be thinking of one of my sweet kidlings that just had this uncanny gift of being in your care, and just for some reason would always give you one of those lovely stinky dipers.
Hey we should test it out and see if youngest boy would do the same. Want to Babysit him some time soon?LOL
CWG'S Wife.

Trail Rider said...

LOL, actually, confessing, yes (blush) I did have your lovely daughter and son in mind when I typed that! LOL They were always so thoughtful and kind to save their poops just for me! I know their hearts were in the right place....
You should wirte a crazy blog like this. I totally miss you writting!
love ya...

BayouMaMa said...

Hi Care Bear! These are the things that you and I have in common:

I love dancing hip hop. I dance in front of my kids all the time. I used a pretend microphone as a kid. I am studying about laziness and being a Godly wife right now.
I can't stand changing other people's kids diapers, but my own can be as stinky as can be and I'm cool with that. I LOVE rainbows!
I LOVE my church family. I have the bestest parents ever!! I am careful to keep good boundries around our marriage to keep it safe. I don't know if I want more kids. Some days I do, some days I DO NOT! I would always burn my head with my curling iron as a teen. I love/don't love how God doesn't tell us what's next!
The word of God is the manual and source of life for all things!!!! Get to know Jesus, Life won't be so lonely and hopeless!! Without my fellow travellers in this journey with God, I would be lost!!!! I love how God designed us to sharpen eachother! I love/ don't love correction. I always thank God after being disciplined. I grieve for hurting marriages. I have a passionate hate towards sexual immorality. not for the person, but the sin. I love blogging, eating out, hanging out with the best of friends, talking about the important things in life.

Care Bear...I am always touched when I see the way the Lord changes and enriches lives. You are an awesome person and I can feel your love for the Lord in your posts. Blessings to you!