Tuesday, February 07, 2006

He is able to do more than we could ever think or imagine!

God is so cool becuase He always has greater plans than our own little minds could ever think of.

His plans go way beyond our faith, go way beyond our imaginations! Whenever He does something, I am in shock, in awe, and can't help but to worship Him more! There are tons of things around me that I could share as an example, but I will share this one today.

When I started my weight loss journey, first of all, I never dreamed that I would get to where He's brought me! I honestly thought that I would of failed. That by now, I'd be back to where I was, even more over weight. I had many doubts. To jump off that cliff was defintily super hard. To trust that God had better plans for me, to trust that He would catch me, to trust that Through Him I can DO ALL THINGS>>>>>

I was looking in my head to loose about 20 pounds. I could live with that. I was going to settle. Along my weight loss journey, I've been tempted to just stop and be satisfied with where I was. But God goes all the way! Never stopping, never sleeping, until it's all done...TO COMPLETION!

42 pounds later, and I'm still called to go to the end. In order for me to be in a healthy range, I still have 8 more pounds to go. Form my perspective....I'M ONLY 8 POUNDS OVERWEIGHT!!!????? THAT'S NOTHING! I could surely live with that!!! But not God. He's into renovations. When He movers into a heart, He doesn't stop remoldeling until it's done!

The jewel in all of this is this: Last summer, I packed away my summer clothes. I was 6 weeks into my weightloss journey. I packed away pants and shorts that were way too small for me. I was filled with hope that when I go into the box next summer, that these things will fit! Well, 2 nights ago, I was looking for a pair of shorts to workout in, and had to go into this box of summer clothes to find a pair......
ALL THE PANTS, SHORTS AND TOPS ARE TOO BIG!!!! EVEN A PAIR THAT I'VE BEEN DYING TO GET IN FOR 6 YEARS!! I just kept thinking and praising God that He takes us all the way into the promised land. We have to remember that as humans we think that we could just settle on the horizon over looking the land flowing with milk and honey, but God has said THAT HE GAVE US THIS LAND TO POSSESS!! Let's go people, let not just over look to promised land with binoculars!! Let's not think that the grass is green enough on the out skirts! Let's go people..... it's been prepared for us in advance! Move our camp where it belongs!!!!

I'm just so excited of the truths of this example and many others that surround me. This has NOTHING to do with weight or me getting skinny. This is a heart transplant. without God I would be exactly where I was! Without the grace, without the power, without His love, Nothing is possible. I know full well, that it's only through Him that i've been able to get this far! I've been overweight it seems like my whole life. And not only that, but in bondage to bulemia since I was 12 years old!!!!! I've longed for this day....I've longed sooooo badly for the day that I could say that I've been set free. I would dream of the day that I could testify freedom and victory......

I need Jesus more today than I did yesterday!

But yes, I can say now with an amazing joy and thankfulness that I am free.....free for today......if i so choose!!!!
Tomorrow, I again will have to choose freedom.....
and the next day and the next......

and in 10 years from now, the bondage of gluttony and bulemia will be a distant memory!!!



Tina said...

WOW WOW WOW! I am in tears. The Lord is so amazingly faithful. Thank you for posting pictures. After one of your last posts, I remember thinking...I want to see a picture of her now! I meant to e-mail you but forgot...so glad the Lord doesn't forget and the spirit working in me is the same spirit working in you! So glad, also that because of His spirit, though we are many miles apart, we are united in Jesus Christ and can also be sisters and friends!

Again...wow! And YAY!!!

Love you!

Tanya said...

Thats so awesome Sarah!! Our God is so good. Some say that losing weight is harder than trying to stop smoking. I've never been a smoker, so I can't compare. But I am overweight, and am also on a weight loss journey that includes guidance from God. My point is, nothing is too big or too small for our Lord. He can do anything...we can do anything through Him who gives us strength. He can help people to lose weight, He can help people to do anything, we just NEED to have faith in Him.

I'm so proud of you. You've walked a long hard journey, may the Lord bless you as you give into Him and not the food, or the bulimia. Congratulations. Keep it up...or as you would say...Keep on trucking. LOL Take care.

Nin said...

That's flipping unbelievable!
I'm so proud of you! You've worked so hard! And yeah I know, it's all been God, but to choose everyday to follow after Him was you, and He is so pleased with that! Wow! I'm still blown away everytime I look at you, and I see you almost everyday! I'm so excited at what this new life will bring to you! This is only the beginning sister of the glorious journey sister! God is so good to us. I watched the Passion the other night, and when Jesus said, watch, as I make things new! Something in my spirit went YES!!!! Because that is exactly what all our lives can testify to. Wow, all I can say is wow.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

wow! just the inside getting to the outside girlfriend. that is one fabulous testimony God is building in you.

andrew + camille said...

i know you don't wanna hear this, but darn girl you look amazing!! I wanted to say it on sunday, but felt it wasn't really very spiritual. ha ha! You really do bless my heart and your faith and discipline blow me away. Praise God!! He is so faithful. It's cool to see how He is working in your family and sister's family.

Jenny said...

Wow...how inspiring. I am on a weight loss journey as well.
Thanks for the inspiration!! You look AMAZING!!!
Be proud of your accomplishments!!

Trail Rider said...

Thank you so much for all your encouragement. Cammilli, I just want you to know that I am the most undisciplined person that I know! And, it hasn't been by will power for sure! But I'm finnally learning to live off the grace!!!
And you said, that you didn't want to say anything cause it didn't sound spiritual, hee hee, I hear what you mean. It's hard with this particular testimony to not get wrapped up in the outward stuff. But God told us to take care of the temple. Living by faith one time said to me that when I do pilates exersises, that I should pray. And I totally agree with her!!!
Taking care of our physical bodies is extrememly spiritual! We are being good stewarts of what he's given us. And respecting the creator! The more I go, the more I realize how important this really is to the kingdom of God!!!!
The bloggless one started swimming and shared a testimony of taking care of her temple, it was really powerful and it really touched me, cuase I could relate. I don't think we spend enough time taking care of our bodies. without the body, there is no soul and no spirit.

Crystal said...

What an amazing journey you are on...God is soo good isn't He? I will love to see how this testimony will impact your family around you and change many other lives because of it!

CWG said...

I see this as a prophetic picture of what God is doing in your heart. Peeling away the pounds of crap that gets cluttered there that hinders his heart reflecting more in you. God is so cool...no amazing...no words can express.

Janelle said...

i have no idea where to even begin when it comes to weight loss - i feel so overwhelmed & so uncapable. but like you said - it's NOT me - but Him who works through me. I hope I can take that to heart & figure out how to start my own journey. you look beautiful!!

Chelsea said...

Wow! Besides Jesus, I couldn't find a greater role model! You are amazing. Thank you so much for being here for me and for finding time in your so crazy hectic life. I love you more than I can say! I'm so glad God has blessed me with an older sister.
Love you lots and lots and lots
big hugs!

Kim Funk said...

Hello there i have no idea who you are and you dont know who i am, but i just want to say i cryed when i read this post i read your blog through janelle's i believe incase your wondering!
but you have so many good and true poionts about God! he is so awsome, he never fails us!! so i myself have been so desperate to become skinny like i once was,..after having children that changes a persons body forsure! so if you dont mind me asking how have you been doing it? working out dieting? i woudl like to know so i can look as good as you!!!
feel free to look at my blog incase you want to know who the heck i am hahahah!

Kim Funk said...

ha me again..is that your baby girl you are holding?

Tanya said...

Happy Valentine's Day Sarah!!

I sent you and email, did you get it? Just wondering cause my friend is having problems recieving my emails.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ said...

Wow! What a neat change - both inside and out. Please share more sometime. I've not read through your entire blog, but if you can share where you started, struggles, how God worked on you, accountability, etc. it would help someone like me who really struggles with the weight and KNOWS that I am not taking care of my body for God, but don't know where to start and stick with it.


BayouMaMa said...

Looking good! *whistles*