Thursday, July 06, 2006

you'll never guess who lost their wallet.....again...

ME! again....blush....I haven't seen it in about 3 or 4 days now. Usually i just trust that it's going to turn up and it always has up to this point. Well, it hasn't, and i thought i'd ask for some prayer. I really need to find it....since I NEED my health card these days!
anywho. we are leaving for winnipeg in a couple of days. caleb will be staying at Parkridge and anyone is free to go give him a visit if they have time. He gets dropped off tomorrow and stays till the 20TH!
to lazy to type more, tired, hot and a little sick.....
so signing off for a while!


Princess Warrior said...

Too bad i won't run into you in the Peg. Oh well! Have a great trip and i hope you feel better:)

Trail Rider said...

found my wallet!

Jenny said...

I thought maybe I'd find it cleaning out my junk closets!!LOL! Found everything else!!!

Nin said...


Crystal said...

hey there.....I miss you lots....I will be home on Monday but I am sure you are leaving then for your holiday's right? Send me an email and let me know what's going on....maybe we can get together when you get back and go for coffee....good to hear your crisis is under control.
Love ya

andrew + camille said...

love you
and i am so excited for you
and will miss you while you are gone!

Kim Funk said...

YOUR PREGO? HOW AWSOME IS THAT congradulations my dear!! take care of yourself..i cant wait to see post of your belly!!!

Jenny said...

You're pregnant!! Congratulations!!!

Kim Funk said...

new blog addy

Tanya said...

new blog