Saturday, July 21, 2007

Facing giants

this morning was my meeting. I finally got my 5 pound star!!
Since I've joined, i've lost 13.5 pounds....since baby.....32 pounds in total....only 20 pounds to go....

Nin and I were talking about this. I jumped off the cliff once already....I took the plunge in faith, and lost all my weight last year. That was super hard! Each step I wrestled with lies that I would fail.

Then a pregnancy and a very tough year left me right back at the beginning! Faced with the same 50 pounds to loose!!! how am I going to face it??

I totally totally use my weight loss journey as a spiritual parable to our walk with Christ.
To me, this walk is about:
Facing my giants
Facing my fears
Gathering courage to face the same hurdles
Gathering faith
Trusting God's promises
Running the race
Persevering through all trials
not growing weary in doing good, but trusting that I someday will reap a harvest....

God is now leading me in a new direction. Asking me to let him open the can of worms of......prayer.....
What is yet to come scares me. He wants to heal the hurts and wounds from all the times I prayed for Caleb's healing and it never happened. all the times that I DID trust him and "it seemed he never came through"
Then when it was all said and done....Caleb died.....
All I've cried out for is for Caleb's life and our time with him will bear fruit to give glory to the Father. But sometimes it feels like it was all in vain.

Now with God venturing me into healing my prayer life, I sense great things....if I can endure the refining that I know is coming.....
(Books reading: facing your giants by Max and Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets)


Dianna said...

I absolutely LOVE your book choices. Now it's unto a book written by the ever must read MAX LUCADO!!! Good for you!! I LOVE!! LOVE!! his books! Also read "A love worth giving" by the same author.

Lynn said...

I am dealing with the same issue, Sarah. When we pray and pray and God doesn't heal...physically or spiritually...then, why pray? What is the purpose of prayer? It is so easy to forget that God's vision is so much clearer than ours. He sees what we do not see...and answers accordingly...?

Trail Rider said...

honestly lynn, I thought I had all these things all figured out....

God is literally tearing down all that I've ever known about prayer. I wish I could answer

I understand how you feel about "why pray?"
But this book I'm reading and ironically, through prayer and seeking, God is with me answering some of my questions. I will post as I learn more. but right now, I have no answers, and I think God likes it that way, cause we are more teachable....

blessings lynn, and I pray that God meets you right where you are and brings peace above all else.

forgiven4this said...

Hey....back from my niccccccce long break...feel so refreshed....and Josh as you know still lives with my parents...not quiet sure why you asked that...but yeah he and my parents are in Newfoundland.

Trev and Rebekah said...

That book by Dutch has transformed my thinking about prayer. I too was shaken up by praying for one's healing and having him die in the end. When my pastor died I was messed up and angry at God. God has brought about healing in my life but it has taken 2 years. Now with a tragic death of a friend and am left asking some questions again. Yet I need to trust that God knows best.

Nin said...

I can relate about facing giants.....I'm walking a road never traveled before, and I can't help but doubt what I'm going to see on the other side.
Could'nt imagine walking this road without you walking with me, praise God for all the grace He has been pouring out.
I'm excited to continue learning from one another as God speaks. love you

-Me- said...

Congratulations on the awesome job your doing with the weight loss!! i wish I could say the same thing, but your posts are always an inspiration for me, because I think you and I experience a lot of the same emotions and feelings on things. Thanks!!!