Monday, August 13, 2007


facing the once a year homeschool giant...

Every year at this time, I am usually paralyzed. Looking and thinking of all that needs to get done, all that I need to more day goes by...another....another week goes by and the dead line approaches.

I keep thinking that, once my house is all clean and all the kids are in bed, I will crack open the 2 new curiculums that I've bought for this year and go over them with candles and relaxing music in the background....HAHAHAHA .... yeah like that'll ever happen!

My sister Nin, has helped me through the day, phoning every hour and getting the progress reports. Cheering me on. Hopefully she doesn't read this blog and see that I'm on the computer, blogging!! LOL SHHHHH.....don't say anything!

So I've got to gather the laundry, tidy: Isaiah's room, Elishah's room, our room and downstairs. Then I have to vacuum. Then I'm pretty much done. I hope to really make a big dent into my school books tonight.


Nin said...

what the....
get back to work!

Laurie said...

I hear ya! Like I said, I am only doing the one kid this fall......but I have yet to crack open the books too! :) However, I think that your thought of relaxing in a nice quiet room, with candles, soft music and a clean all our moms dreams!! Let me know if you can figure out how to have that! :) I hope it all goes well for you!!! When will you be starting?

Trev and Rebekah said...

Were you and your sister home schooled as kids? Do you enjoy doing it?