Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Our church has a program this summer called kids summer church. We were asked as a body participate in a choice of many areas. You could serve in the snack department or help be a puppeteer or join a prayer team. I asked God which one He would have me join. I was led to the prayer team. It seemed like a great idea! I'm going to join the prayer team and surround myself with wise, old, prayer warriors and learn from them!! I know that I need to grow in my prayer life, what better way than to sit beside those that have been doing it for years and years!

Haha...the joke's on me....

I approached the leader of kids church and told her I was interested in the prayer team. She said, "Since no one else has come forward, would you be interested in leading the prayer team?"

...Not what I had in mind....

But 4 weeks into our little group, my world is being turned upside down... Prayer....
You need to be courageous person to pray

I feel wounded from battle. Having a severely disabled son for nearly 10 years has taken it's toll on my prayer life, my faith and my endurance.
It's ironic, that God has led me down this path of running. He is showing me alot about perseverance and running the race. Now he has asked me to open my heart to Him once again in prayer.

I pray....I pray about myself, about how I can change...It's easy to pray about yourself, but to pray to move mountains in other's lives is something else. To pray to see a nation born again and revived for God's glory is way out of my ball park! I prayed for Caleb's healing for 10 years. I prayed with faith, I prayed without faith. I tried the "pray everyday like the old widow beggar" I tried fasting (although could never do it) Caleb was never healed. If God is going to do what he's going to do anyway....why pray????? If He is all soveriegn, all powerful and all knowing, why pray? What would our prayers do to change anything???? How could someone as small as me make a difference? And here's another big question.....Aren't we supposed to pray HIS WILL???What if we don't know His will???? To pray for healing for someone...what if they aren't supposed to live?????

Only in chapter 4 of "Intercessory Prayer" God is unravelling lies rooted deep in my mind about prayer. He is jackhammering a poor foundation of mistrust, lack faith and courage. It's been painful, yet exciting. Extremely challenging, and scary....

I came to the conclusion that God didn't need us. This phrase can be a play on words. Many people could debate this sentence forever. What I think I'm learning is that God WANTS US. He set it up so that we could be friends, partners, so that He would flow through this earth through our prayers. We were not designed for production, but distrubution. He delights in moving through us. He does NOT want to move APART from us. He wants to be co laborers with us.

This is mind warping! The God of the universe, that is holy and self sustaining.....WANTS US SO BAD that He SET IT UP so that He would not work, move or love apart from us!!

I've realized that the pink paragraph above was a comfortable place. There's no responsibility, no mission, no real purpose. But that isn't God's plan. We DO have a responsibility, a mission and purpose....TO PRAY.

I can quote many scriptures on prayer in the word. I've known in my head what the word says on prayer. that as believers, we do need to pray. The word is very clear that prayer is extremely important. But head knowledge and heart knowledge is a huge bridge that needs to come together! My circumstance in life wounded me. Experience showed me something else.
But the word of God is superior to all things!! EVEN MY EXPERIENCE! it is perfect and flawless (psalms) So that means that I did not walk according to His word. That means that the conclusions I made through my experience were wrong because they did not line up with God's word. His word is final. We need to walk out His words THROUGH FAITH, AND NOT BY SIGHT> In Caleb's case, I focused on what was seen, and that is not the definition of faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. What life "showed" me was not accurate!!

THere's much much more in my heart. I'm trying to summarize this without typing a book. But this is the journey i'm on. God is faithful. I know He is near. I am thankful for His peace and promise that He will never leave me alone.


armacleod said...

Maybe you should write a book about your walk I'm certain that many people would be encouraged from your struggles (not that I think that God is done His work in you yet.)

Prayer is powerful. So much so, that you have to be careful as you have found out what you pray for. I was told once when you pray for something that God sometimes will give you something else to force you to grow that gift in your life. Rather then just giving you the gift. Last year our church was starting up small groups for the year, and I wanted to be in a group that was more to my age category. I was hoping to join one that would be fun. Instead I was asked to lead it! I learned a lot about myself in that period and I wouldn't give up that opportunity He gave me for the world. On the other hand there was responsibility involved and I know most people don't want that, but I managed it well. We weren't perfect, nobody is, but we had some good fellowship and grew as brothers in Christ. I'm certain you will find a similar experience with the prayer group. God Bless.

Crystal said...

We are on the same journey my friend...all I can say is Wow!

andrew + camille said...

just want to let you know that i love you
love seeing you at church
love thinking about some of the talks we've had
and am looking forward to another one

i think you're great :)

Dianna said...

You are def. sweet and genuine. May God bless your heart!