Monday, November 07, 2005

follow through

a spiritual mother at church said to me, "YOU FOLLOW do what you said you would do, you've commited to this, you show her that you won't ditch her or someone that's not to be trusted."

That's been echoing in my heart ever since then. You follow through. To the end, till it's done. Till you've put your whole heart into it and it's completed.
As a mom, I am seriously challenged with this often. I tell my kids their consequence and then out of ignorance or laziness or forgetfulness, they witness parents that don't follow through. That is NOT the heart of our God. One of my favorite verses these days is the promise that God will finish the work He started and carry on to COMPLETION. He won't give up on me.....ever. His love AND authority stay the same.
In my walk, I am starting to see the bigger picture (for once) of being a follower of Jesus. A sister in church cried out this calling in worship yesterday. "it's all for you Jesus! It's ALL for you! For your glory and your fame.... To take you to the lost world, to the broken hearted and the needy!"
I am tired of being fat! I am tired of feeding and feeding myself for selfish gain. So I can have peace, and joy so I can be free, so I can be happy, so I can prosper.....
you don't recieve because you ask with wrong you can spend it on YOUR pleasures
Why do we want all those "blessings" from God?
Well, my heart is to ask to be blessed so that I can bless the hurting, the needy. To fulfull my calling, my awesome destiny! And you know, I don't seem to run dry when my heart is walking in those purposes. I'm not always tired or weary.
Following through means to show the world His faithfulness. Joe and I read the kids their bible story last night about moses and how he was called to go and set the Hebrews free. The word says that "God heard their cry and delivered them" through what means? Moses. God used the faithfulness of a son on earth to carry out to completion His deliverance for the people who were crying out.
I'm sure that after a few plagues, Moses wanted to pack it in. But he followed through and God got all the glory! And Moses got a million blessings beside!
Seek first His kingdom and then and then and then all those things will be added.
I've never up to this point been one to follow through. I usually just blamed it on my sanguine personality, which is a weakness of a sanguine, but I am made perfect in weakness halleluiah!!

I want to follow through in my marriage....everyday
follow through with my children.....everyday
follow through with my spiritual family....everyday
follow through with the world in need.....everyday

okay, now does that ever sound overwhelming
Good thing I can do it through grace and not human strength!!! Whew!!!
Then I won't be weary, but will renew my strength as I do it!!! Now isn't THAT the formula that everyone's been looking for!

What an amazing God we serve!
Praise you Jesus!


Nin said...

I totally hear you! I've been thinking to myself that I'm so busy to do these things, but really, if God wants me to do them, He WILL give me the stength energy and time right? Was blessed when Sherry shared. I realized that I've been trying to control my time, and everything really by not allowing God to be Lord over my time. But I too want to give it all back to Him, and to follow through with the heart of God, and be blessed as I watch God perfect timing be carried out. Blessings!

andrew + camille said...

hey chick..

you know who you mentioned yesterday in A&W?? She has been on my heart since you mentioned "beating down her door". I really would like to join you if you do pay her a visit, and pray over her and show her love or whatever GOd wants. Let me know what's happenin'

we love you guys!!