Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Reaping the fruit of righteousness and peace

Don't have time to blog much these days. Don't really have time right now....

Lots of stuff going through my spirit these days. God is faithful to continue on the good work. I've been spending alot more time with my kids in teaching them spiritual truths instead of academics. We've been spending time drawing out what the word is saying. In fact, right after I'm done this blog entry, we are off to paint Matthew chapter 7 on the wide and narrow gates. I am totally enjoying teaching them "the nuts and bolts" of christianity (as moose would say) It excites me to think that if they are learning this stuff at such an early age, just think of ALL they will posses as an adult!!!
I can see my character growing and changing by the power of the Holy spirit. I can't describe myself, becuase I don't really know who I am anymore! My old nature is truly dying and this new creation is kinda weird somtimes! I used to be up in the clouds for a day and then down in the dumps the day after. This steadyness is quite nice. I'm sure Joe appreciates it. I bet that the way I eat definitly has affected the physical changes in my mood swings. Being addicted to any substance causes serious physical cravings and withdrawls.
But not to take away from the spiritual changes!!!!!Just another addition to the reaping....

Joe continues to walk in leadership around here. He truly is amazing!
I have been called to a new and deeper level of commitment in my walk on SUnday. To step out and make disciples.....I am going to be discipling someone and that's been going through my head too. I am scared. But I know there is much to reap through this. To get rid of all fear is impossible, yet to replace unhealthy fears with a godly fear is where we need to be. This will stretch me I know, but I think I've jumped off this cliff enough to know with my spirit that "I will be FINE!"

Well, keep in touch all you hopers!
Love you family


dipchick said...

hey - found your blog surfing the net. I am a Canadian as well, living in Tokyo - and I don't think, if we met, that we would get along at all - we are almost complete opposites. Well, we might have been friends before rehab... But, I read your blog anyway. And I want to let you know that your honesty and strength are lovely. Stay strong and true to who you are.

Trail Rider said...

I can't get to your blog, dipchick.
THanks for visiting my site. So you actually think we wouldn't get along? Just cause we are opposite doesn't mean we couldn't be friends. How long have you been reading my blog? How didn you know I was in rehab?

Trail Rider said...

It is awesome to see you grow and flourish in the Lord. Your discipling will push you down a whole new path in your walk. There is much blessing coming and a whole harvest yet to reap.