Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'm in a romance!!!

Tonight at transformations, the blogless one had an amazing revelation that greatly benefitted me! We were supposed to pray and ask God what lie we were believeing and what we needed to repent from. There was a guide for women, 3 things that women generally struggle with more than other things.
1. submission
2. romance
3. vanity
Well, I quickly ran through the list in my head and thought well, I'm not really any of those. I am in the process of renewing my mind as my body shape changes, but I know God is working on that one.....so I just kept praying.....
To my surprise, I am in desperate need to turn from romance!!!
Not in the way you are thinking. I am wholly devoted to my Joe with my mind body and spirit. But the kind of romance that the blogless one shared is one of EXPECTATIONS!
The romance of life. What I think in my head the way life should go. I picture in my head the way things should look. Here are a few examples:
-When I come home from coffee with a friend, I have in my brain that Joe should have at least done the dishes, read to the kids, brushed their teeth and so on.....
-We go swimming as a family and I have a picture in my head that we will have sooo much fun and that Joe is going to go down the slide a million times until they just can't take it anymore!
-It's our anniversary, and we just have moment after moment of meaningful, romantic, exciting conversation, planning our next year together and having some fun on the side (woo hoo!)
-Coming in the door and expecting all the shoes to be on the rack that I've so easily accessed for everyone
-Calling a friend 5 times and thinking that maybe this time it's THEIR turn to call ME back

What happens instead........
-come home from coffee, the house is a mess, the kids are running around super hyper, the dishes still on the table from supper, and Joe working on computers downstairs
-We go swimming as a familiy and Joe is so tired from the work week that he plants himself in the hotub and suggests that I take the kids on the waterslide.
-It's our anniversary and we are so tired from the hustle and bustle of life that we crash for the first day and the second day is spent trying to "make it good"
-Coming home, can't open the door.....shoes in the way.....have to kick my foot in sideways to open the door. Then after I GET in the door, there's 2 pairs of Joe's skiis...I mean, shoes (that takes up the whole entrance in itself) Boots, runners, and even coats on top of all the footwear!
-Realize that if I don't call that friend again, I may not talk to her.....

Someone said, "I no longer have any expectations of anyone anymore, not even my spouse or my kids!"
"well, isn't that UNHEALTHY?"
"doesn't that leave you open to abuse!?"
"who's going to hold them accountable??!"

Well, my fellow bloggers, Is God GOD or are you?
Cause I'm really getting weary here trying to keep control of all these people! I think it's time to let God do what he need to in these people. I really have realized that as long as I keep trying to be lord over life, It litterally holds these people in bondage!
How will Joe ever grow in character in serving his family if he's always trying to fulfill my romance???
How will my kids ever put their shoes away when they move out on their own when mom's wrath isn't there to force them???
How will we ever enjoy our anniversary's if I keep getting disappointed as soon as we get to the hotel??

Well, there you have it. I told Joe and he's quite excited to be free. (smirk) He told me that I will probably get tested in this!..........I know I will....... (groan)
But I am excited to see the fruit that will come from this act of obedience. I think it will be great peace and more than I can imagine for my family.....oh yeah, I'm supposed to stop trying to imagine!!! LOL


Moose said...

Wow...is God GOD or am I...what a challenge. Good Blog. -Moose

Nin said...

Wow, totally!
I nodded my head the whole time I was reading this, I thought my head was going to nod right off!
Thank you for the reality check! Really! I totally recieve it and want to walk this way with you! Love you so much, so glad to learn so much from you!

Trail Rider said...

I almost nodded my head off reading your latest post!
good stuff!

Crystal said...

Hey great post.......
I kind of have been going through some of the same stuff.....its good to know I am not the only one who wants that ultimate romance...wink, wink......
Thanks for your post on my blog....this mamma bear appreciate's the encouragement.

BayouMaMa said...

So it's not just me??? How many times have I been disappointed to see that BayouPaPa hasn't jumped in and washed the dishes (in his defense...he has done this a few times) or hasn't folded even one towel from the mountain of clean laundry on the sofa. And as I soon as I see it I sigh and grumble under my breath..."should've known he wouldn't." Then one big sigh just so he knows I'm annoyed.

At times, I do feel taken for granted...thus, the above reaction. But, he does alot outside that I don't help with (oil changes, mowing the lawn, repairing the fence, etc...) and he doesn't get all huffy.

Thanks for the insight.

Tanya said...

Are you sure that we're not the same person? Ha ha!

Seriously though, I struggle with so much of the same things as you. Especially the whole husband thing. I can totally relate.

I expect too much out of everyone in my family. I need to stop, cause I just get disappointed in the end. If I don't have any expectations, than I won't be disappointed! But its so hard!!

Thanks for the insight Carebear!
And yes, our trip was "delightful" but we're glad to be back home. Take care.

Janelle said...

Carebear - i just have to tell you how much i appreciate you. i don't even know you & i appreciate you. i appreciate how honest you can be, i appreciate that what you write & are going through i can totally relate to. i appreciate that you don't even know me but you comment on my blog that i am beautiful (i would love to hug you for that - it was very needed). i hope you know how much you are touching people through your blog, and just being transparent. i have been so blessed by the Hope F family...all of your blogs. i feel like i've stepped into the most loving, supportive environment, what a blessing for you to have such a "family". thanks for letting me into your world...i just appreciate it.