Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm pregnant!

Well, last week, I got up and looked in the mirror and said outloud to myself, "I'm pregnant" in a calm, yet very sure voice. I don't have any proof of this physically, but on this morning, I was totally convinced that I had a little life beginning to grow in my belly! I've been pregnant 4 times people....I know what it's like to "feel pregnant"
So later on I told Joe. We were in Walmart shopping and I said to him, "Joe, I'm pregnant" really calm and non chalantly. At first, he just laughed at me and then he looked at my face and realized that I was serious. That same look I gave him when I was pregnant with Faith. He got quiet and seemed to go into another world, in deep thought. It was cute.....:)
At the marriage teaching this weekend, we were taught about the God given roles of a man and a woman. It was such a blessing to hear and talk about our differences and how we make eachother complete! I was all full of joy thinking of how our LORD is so perfect and made it so fun at times on this walk! I love being married! And I ABSOULUTLY LOVE MY HUBBY! He is soooooo awesome....k, that's a rabbit trail for another time......
But in the teaching, Greg affirmed that the man is the seed sower and the woman is the nuturer and the one to give birth. and it is the job of our husbands to be sowing into our lives....LIFE! And that's exactly what Joe's been doing. He speaks into my life all the time! He leads and guides our family, He has direction and purpose....he has passion and conviction!
I am so blessed.

Anyway, God spoke to me in the midst of this and told me I'm pregnant.
"I know that already God...."
"No, my child, you are spiritually pregnant"
all of a sudden, I beamed up with this "pregnant glow" and passed Joe a note to tell him.
He writes me back, "so THAT"S why you've been nesting!"
I have been trying to get this house in order and really it's in line with that prophetic word about having lots of babies. spiritual and physical. I don't know if I'm physically pregnant or not....time will tell....but I know this is the time for our family to make spiritual babies!

Hee hee
threw you off heh?!


Moose said...

Wow! Congratulations on both Preganancies :) Spiritual and Physical. Wow...that is exciting! Looking forward to meeting the lil gaffer in Oh...9 months or so :) Blessings -Moose

Trail Rider said...

no no...i don't know if im physically pregnant....
time will tell!!!
that would crazy!
do you think I'm pregnant for real real???

Nin said...

You're nuts.
"Have another!"

Trail Rider said...

If I am pregnant, or do get pregnant, it would BE A GOD THING FOR SURE!

Obviously God would be unfolding plans for us that I would hope we would graciously accept.....

As of now, I would be very ovorwhelmed and scared if I did get pregnant.....

andrew + camille said...

ha ha
girl that threw me for a loop. you are craaaaaazy.

but awesome.
we appreciate you guys and your leadership so much and the way you are honest and real.


Moose said...

LOL! Ok...I was standing at the end of the runway at John G. Diefenbaker airport and apparently the 747's were zooming me :) LOL SPIRTUALLY Pregnant...NOT PHYSICALLY...ok got it...LOL A little slow on the uptake, but once I got it, I got it LOL! Blessings -Moose

Trail Rider said...

Just to clear the air, today we did the pregnancy test and it is official.

Sarah is pregnant!

Just not physically, only spiritually ;)

Trail Rider said...

sheesh man.....
stop freakin everyone out!

I almost didn't scroll down.....
everyone: that is what is known as an "official Joe joke"

Nin said...

i almost didn't scroll down too! you're such a winner-loser (Ponah's word for loser)
But like I said carebear, I really do believe that God is giving you His heart, and in His perfect timing, you guys will be more than ready to embrace what He has! :)