Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Happy anniversary!

So, those of you who don't know my husband Joe, you are missing out!!! BIG TIME!
I wanna take today to tell the world how great he is and how thankful I am that God gave him to me!

I was 16 years old and had just gotten out of drug rehab. On a mission to find some good clean, sober friends that were normal, I decided to go to a prayer group at my high school. I introduced myself to these "weird people" and told them I needed some friends that wouldn't go through my pockets while I was sleeping and only call me when I had something to share. After our meeting, this guy comes up to me with his phone number and says that he could offer me friendship and some clean fun......

Picture this:
A punk in combat boots, a hippie sixties dress and a half my head shaved.
A guy in prep "guess" jeans, his shirt tucked in, a race car that went REALLY FAST, that listened to "that fake dance music" (like, "I like to move it, move it)

He treated me like a queen. Open my doors for me, made me dinner (fake potatoes and fried homemade hamburgers) Gave me flowers, left notes in my locker, drove me ANYWHERE I wanted to go, whenever I wanted to go somewhere.
It wasn't long before we knew we were meant for eachother.
We did end up getting pregnant in our 9th month of dating....

I wanted to give up the baby for adoption. Joe had other plans. Even though he was super young (only 19), he was commited to me and the baby. He had an amazing faith that we would be okay if we got married and started our family alittle earlier. I wasn't convinced. I carried on, making adoption appointments, while he came and tried to convince me not to go through with it. Over and over, he asked me to marry him and start a family.
God filled me with a super natural faith and I said yes. Ever since that day, we always knew that we would be okay. No matter what. Only God knew what was on the otherside of the pregnancy......
a severely disabled child......

Our lives truly are a testimony to God's faithfulness! What Joe and I have been through and the fact that we are sooo in love, have happy kids and live to tell about God's love, says that God can take anyone's life and turn into something beautiful and fruitful.

I can't describe what it's been like to watch joe grow into a Godly man. Ever since the beginning of our marriage, he always had good intentions. His heart was always FOR his family. Growing togehter into learning how to be godly parents and godly spouses has say the least!!!!
Our first years were filled with mounds of baggage. Sorting through bag after bag was not fun! Just when we thought that we were in the clear....BANG! Something new to work through. It was hard. But God has brought us to a beautiful place. There is peace in our home now. Storms still comes and knock off a few windows sometimes, but God has molded us into a useful vessel that can withstand the wind and rain.
I just wanted to share with y'all how much I appreciate him, love him and to say how proud I am of the man he is.
And the cool thing about all this, is that "this is the worst day of our lives!!!"
cause from this day on, we only get brighter and brighter!
To think that this is only the beginning.....that life just gets better, more abundant......


Nin said...

Glory is right!
Wow, God is so amazing! He blesses us in ways that we can't even fathom. And the things that we are arrogant enough to complain about, are usually the biggest blessings of our whole lives! It's been such an awesome privelledge to watch the two of you grow, individually and together. Joe is an amazing man, and he has blessed so many people. His story is such a great testomony of God's faithfulness! And the blessings that come from obedience! You guys have such a wonderful family! Love you both so much!!!!

Janelle said...

what a story!! i don't know you - but i am proud of you! God has been walking with you through everything - and I know He will continue to - and He will continue to bless you. Happy Anniversary!!

Crystal said...

What a beautiful Love story.....
God Blesses us when we keep honoring him. Happy Anniversary!

Nin said...

Great pic of Joe with the glasses by the way! It depicts him well ;)

Trail Rider said...

I didn't even see this until today (three days later), yeesh.
I definatley look forward to celebrating this special time together with you, alone (wink, wink). These last nine years have been the best of my life and I know that things are only going to get better as we grow together in Jesus. Love you much, thanks for the awesome blog. :)

Tanya said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. It was so nice to meet you and your sister and friend. I'm sorry if I kind of scared you at first, that wasn't my intention at all. I just thought that I may never run into you again, I should atleast say "hi". So once again, it was nice to meet you. Take care and have a great time celebrating your anniversary with your hubby! Thanks for the blessings and may God bless you richly as you and Joe put Him first in your marriage, He has brought you so far and will continue to for many years to come.

Tina said...

Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your marriage! It is definately a testimony of what the Lord can do in the lives of two people committed to each other and to Him!

At work just the other day, two married men were talking and one was explaining to the other the 3 phases of marriage...1. Lust, 2. Love, and 3. Just trying to like each other.

I said I thought that was sad.

A third married guy who was listening said, "spoken like a true single woman." To which I replied that I knew many married couples that loved each other more after 10 years of marriage than they did on their wedding day.

No one believed me of course.

I can now add you and Joe to my list. Not only does your post prove me right...but it gives me hope that I don't have to settle for barely having like for the person I vow to spend my life with.

Cordella said...

I read your story and I thought it was incredibly beautiful. Thank you!