Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The older training the younger

In a few months, I will be trying to nurse a baby, school an older child, and my little dearest Faith will be getting into trouble, and I will need the help of one of her siblings to keep her safe and follwing the rules of our home.....What will this all look like????

Our little baby is now entered into "toddlerhood".....SIGH......

Her new word is "no" although she doesn't use it to defy her authorities, she uses it to defy her silblings.
Ever since birth, Joe and I have been diligent in loving her will under our authority. We have trained her where she is generally a very pleasant happy camper. She comes when she's called. She mostly stays in her toddler bed, she doesn't touch forbidden things and compared to my other kids, she is very obedient and delightful.

But I realize with another baby coming, I am going to need some more help.....from my older children. When I talk to the bigger families (you know those with 6 to 8 kids) I ask how do you do it??? And the most common response is that the older help train the younger.
That gets me thinking about Faith's direct relationship with Noah and Isaiah. Unfortunatly, these relationships are not set up properly for the older to train the younger. I do notice that there are some good foundations laid, but more work needs to be done in order for our home to run smoothly when our baby comes.
Faith knows to submit to adults. (as long as the adult asserts their authority) She does not generally battle with mom, dad, aunts, and grandparents. Her silblings are a different story.

Faith and Isaiah share a room together. And I have been paying close attenetion to the way Isaiah talks to faith and the way she is "training her" Just because Isaiah is only 5, by her actions with faith, she is developing the kind of relationship they will have. They have a very good realtionship. Isaiah plays with her and tries to "take care of her"....if Faith will allow it. Both Noah and Isaiah are very kind hearted towards her. I have never seen them be mean to her....rough with her, yes, but never mean.
These foundations I am thankful for, becuase without this love that they have for her, the following wouldn't be able to happen.

I'm excited about this because this next season will be character building for the older kids. They will have to learn to grow in being patient, leading a younger child, having unconditional love, and serving. That part I see more fun to work along side of them and teach them how to train Faith. But Faith.......sheesh, that's going to be a challenge....
She is so defiant towards them. She doesn't even want them to push her in the stroller! If they say "come" she runs the other way. If they say "no" she says no right back.
I will not allow my older children to spank her, so Joe and I will be praying this one out as to how to teach Faith to respect and follow her older silblings.
If you have any thoughts on this, please share. I know God is faithful and will reveal His plan for this family.
These are my thoughts...blessings

By the way, my hubby posted a good post. sometimes, I feel bad for him that no one comments on his blog...that just my protective self coming out...


andrew + camille said...

i know that was supposed to be a serious post, but all i can see is DANG, they are Soosooooo cute. i just want to squeeze their cheekaroos..
well, in all seriousness, actually, my youngest sister called me "Second Mommy", and she was 5 years younger than me, so I had a tiny bit of "training" with her perhaps. but she was so easy to put up with. it sounds like isaiah is a great older sister. it will be interesting to see them continue to grow up together. you're a great mom!!

Anonymous said...

ah. i accidentally put "tiny font" and i didn't realize that it was actually literally tiny. I re-edited to be read-able. haha, sorry for the inconvinience.

Jenny said...

You have gorgeous children BTW.
My youngest listens almost better to his oldest brother Shay than to me. I am so proud of how well behaved and how much of a little man my oldest has become. It kind of happened naturally. He helps me when I need it, as does my middle son. The little guy...well, that's a whole 'nother post!!!
You'll do amazing. Your children will be eager to take on their own roles. You are blessed and a blessing to many!!

BayouMaMa said...

Okay...have I been in a cave???

You're expecting!?!?!?!

Congratulations and {{{hugs!}}}

Keep in touch! (Don't you just love Tina...she is even more awesome in person...totally for real and sincere about her walk with God...but still super-silly!)