Saturday, January 13, 2007

The pics are finally here!!!!

Christmas at my auntie's house....boxing day

I can't see the difference, can you see the difference???
Best sisters!
Take a stab as to why nin and I used to call her "granny with the cracks"....we still do!
My sister's wrist splint. Continue praying as the Lord leads
My uncle John needs constant reminding that he's 40!!!!!!!!!!
My son got a game boy.....sigh.....
New years eve!!! Uncle John bought fire works again. these ones, you had to hold! super fun!
I screamed the whole time.
The greatest babysitter in the whole world. She does crafts, cleans more than she needs to, and plays games with them....and not just wacthes TV and talk on the phone, (like I used to)
Faithfulness and I watching the fireworks.
Pretty good for our first homemade from scratch gingerbread house heh????
My white tree....I'm starting to feel alittle out of place, since it's still up, and still don't want to take it down. But people are reminding me that it's over!! it's just so beautiful.....
Our new school schedule, working well, having fun....this is only till noon, but it goes ALL the way down to bed. I can follow it quite rigidly up till 5 pm.
Color of our bathroom
Our new banister
color of our family room
The best for last.....color of Noah's new room!! slime green and baby blue!


Amber said...

Slime green!! Love it!!!!

Nin said...

yay for pictures

Connie said...

i LOVE your bright colours!!

Monika said...

Nice seeing all the pictures. I really like the bathroom colour!

Princess Warrior said...

I love the colour.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Excellent color choices. My favorite...the red on Faithfulness' nose!

Tanya said...

Its all looking really good Sarah! Great color choices...very happy colors! Can't wait to see it all finished!

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

Love the colors. We have bright red in our house too!!!

andrew + camille said...

looks awesome - love the colors u picked for the basement and the potlights!!

ahhhh your kids are getting older!!! thank goodness we have a new W. baby coming!!! ;)

andrew + camille said...
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