I need to ask the ladies of their experiences with pre birth/labor.
I have never went into labor on my own. Becuase of what happened with caleb, the doctors always induced me early to insure that the same thing wouldn't happen again.
Caleb: emerg csection
Noah: 48 hours of labor 24 of really hard labor (almost csection) They induced me 10 days early
Isaiah: 18 hours of labor 6 really hard hours. induced 7 days early
Faith: induced 5 days early....basically showed up, pushed her out, went home....smiling and making lasagna.
I didn't experience Braxton Hicks contractions until Faith (#4)
This one, I've felt them since the 5th month.
This is my experience now....
I am 38 weeks. 14 days till I am due. And for the last week, I've really been experiencing some action down there.
2 days ago, my braxtons were 3 mintues apart for 2 hours! they never did get stronger and I finally fell asleep at 2 am, knowing that if it were real labor, the contractions would wake me up again.
Over the last week, she has been getting increasingly lower and lower, to the point of much pain and tonight, I was giving out little yelps becuase of the intense pressure and pain. I was sure she was pushing enough to break my water! that's how hard and low she is! I've never had this before. I know what it feels like to feel the baby move through the canal. this is what it feels like only a lesser degree of course. but the same sensation.
Has anyone had this happen?
Does this mean labor could be close?
Is my baby okay?
Please share your stories!
It's normal that the baby is now moving lower when she has now turned...the pressure is normal too.....however I cannot comment to much on labor & delivery.....with Brandon my water broke.....that's how I knew I was in labor and then I had an emerg C section because he was not moving through the birth canal...with Cassandra it was a planned C section because of complications from my last time.....I'll be praying for you!
It would be nice if the baby came a little early hey? I'm praying for you.....and by the way.....call me and we will arrange a date for Cactus Jack's.....it's not to bad...still to fast food like for my taste but it's ok.
Love you
Baby-D did that lots near the end. Sometimes it would hurt so bad that I would grab my crotch thinking that if I held it real tight it would keep him from falling out.
I'd share my stories, but you had front row seats.
I had that pressure with all 3 of my boys. With Gavin (my 3rd)I felt like he was just going to fall out. My obgyn stripped my membranes for 1 day and the next she put the gel in. That night I went into labour at 11:45pm and had Gavin at 2:30 am. It was hard labour but it was a piece of cake. I was making pork chops the next evening.(I only stayed one evening in the hospital...wanted to be home).
I too was worried as I had really hard scary deliveries...but the last was a piece of cake.
The pressure is definately normal!
Thinking of you!
My labour with my first child was so easy. all I had was some back pain and me water broke at 6:30 in the morning. I leaked all the way to the hospital and by the time I got onto the delivery table I was ready to push and out she came at 7:56a.m. And my second was kind of hard. The third child was easy too. My third was fast to. Around 4-4:30 in the afternoon I noticed a little spot. So I said"it's time to go to the hospital. My water broke at 5:30 and she was born about a half a hour later. So I would say I had really easy births. I hope that helps. Good luck when the time comes
I am about 5 days ahead of you. I am due next Friday. I just went through a very similar situation. My first was induced so I also have no idea what it's like to go into labor on my own. This last week I have had so much crotch pain and pressure and diahrea that I thought for sure I was going into labor. I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and the baby is still quite high but all the pain and pressure softened my cervix lot's more. So as far as I know it's very normal what we are feeling and it's our bodies way of preparing us for the baby. Painful as it is! Good luck with everything! Are you getting induced this time too?
I am a blogging buddy of Nin's. My blog address is:
Hey Care Bear! I will call you that because I don't know your name! I am glad you checked out my blog. I love how blogging brings other Christian Moms together! You can for sure put me on your sidebar and I will do the same.
Congrats on the baby girl! That is exciting! The stripping may have helped a little bit in getting things going but didn't put me into labor like it does alot of people. Everyone tells me that it will work if your body is ready to go into labor. My babies must get too comfortable and don't want to come out!haha Although this one is making way more progress than my son at this point. He was two weeks overdue and 11lbs so she won't let me go over this time or I will end up with another large baby. Have you decided on a name? Or are you keeping it a secret?
I will be thinking about you too as you get ready for baby! Cool that we are so close in dates!
What an awesome thing Sarah! I am sooo happy for you that your baby turned! Praise the Lord! :)
It's hard to say whether you'll go into labor soon or not.....every time is soooo different!
I have had pretty "normal" births......but each time, I wasn't totally sure it was true labor till later on. Except with my first, because the water broke. I think your braxton hicks are a great sign , too!
If you are ready to have this baby.....talk to your dr. about getting your membranes stripped......it has brought my babies on quite well! :)
Even now at almost 35 weeks preg....I get little jabbs (it kind of feels like) down there.....but I am sure baby is just getting ready :)
How exciting! I am sorry I haven't been on to check your blog recently...so busy! But I sure feel for you, when reading your posts! Your faith is amazing and is going to guide you through with this baby girl!
Looking forward to hearing this birth story when it happens!
Hope you're feeling okay today!!
twish i got my stuff together and had called you yesterday! i actually totally forgot (blushing) and plus i had no car - A. took the car out of town. but maybe i can come some other time!
well with baby charles, let's see... it was 59 hours of labor and then push push push! HE POPPED OUT!!! then with baby georgina it was only a minute of pushing and she just slithered out, like a snake. let me tell ya, labor is a piece of cake! just like butta!!!
i guess no one liked my little joke
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