Thursday, August 21, 2008

Doing things God's way

His ways are higher and His thoughts above ours.....

Sometimes, I just don't like doing it God's way. I mean, I know the outcomes and even walking His way brings peace and joy even while you're walking it! But today, my flesh just doesn't want to take the high road.

God is into slow cooking, seasons of waiting, the law of reaping and sowing. Our society is into microwaves, credit cards and diet pills.

I guess I am thankful that God has laid a foundation for me that I know that pills, cards and microwaves reap nothing but pain and I just won't, refuse to go there. I know that in unseen ways I do go there. In my thoughts often, I'm looking for the quick fix. My flesh wants to just 'figure it out'. It seems so silly to try compared to the all knowing, creator of the universe!!!!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (ATTICC)
the courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference....

Just as a side note, I LOVE the 12 steps! I went to AA and NA for years, had a sponsor to overcome my drug and alcohol addiction. The tools I recieved there still impact my life today after12 years of sobriety. ("Go take some P.I.!!!) If anyone knows what I'm talking about, I'll give you a prize! I'll give you a hint. It's an abbreviation of one of the steps


Nin said...

I know I know! I know I know!
I won't give it away, though, I'll give others a chance.
Totally about the slowcooker versus microwave. I like that analogy.
I'm coming over now.
Love you.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I read a quote by Dutch Sheets that refers to the fact that we are into microwaving and God is into marinating. It really has made me think.
Looking forward to meeting you soon.

Anonymous said...

personal inventory

Trail Rider said...

so whoever was anonymous can't get a prize! but i guess that too is part of the you don't use names....

After I got out of treatment, my whole fmaily got into the lingo. Itwas so helpful!


Nin said...

"one day at a time"
"personal inventory"
accept the things I cannot change"
i have no idea!
"let go and let God"
"easy does it" ??
Here I thought I'd come in and know all the answers. What the heck is dppomt?

Trail Rider said...

Don't put people on my train

Nin said...

I totally forgot about the train. Oh my goodness, I SOOO have other people on my train. lol......

Trail Rider said...

I wonder who just came in and said, 'personal inventory'.....


Trail Rider said...

I have lots of people on my train too....