Now what?
We found ourselves in a christian adoption agency, researching the options. We knew that ending our baby's life was NOT an option! Joe wanted to keep the baby, and I wanted to give it up.
4 weeks after our appointment with the adoption agency, Joe asked me to marry him. He said he would take care of me and the baby and we would raise our baby in a christian home.
Scared, yet, excited, I said YES!
We got married on Nov 9, 1996. I was 6 months pregnant. I moved in with Joe in a little basement suite. This is where things went really wonky.
Not having a clue about self discipline, responsibility or general information and wisdom on healthy living, I very quickly slipped into damaging life patterns.
Not knowing how to be productive with my days and nothing to do, my days were filled with eating, sleeping and watching tv. This is the greatest recipie for depression! This is where my vomiting got alot worse. I would eat so much volume that I felt so sick.
The cycle of eating because you feel bad and feeling bad because I ate....had begun.....
By the end of my pregnancy with Caleb, I had gained 60 pounds.
The next year of my life, food became my constant. whether depressed, really sad, angry, or just bored, food seemed to be the one thing that brought me temporary relief. My bulimia was out of control. Somedays I would binge and throw up up to 3 or 4 times a day. There were a few times I saw blood in the toilet. I didn't know how to stop. Everyday I would wake up not wanting to wake up. Joe would go to work and I was left at home with a special needs child, responsibility I wasn't ready for and my pain I didn't know how to heal.
When I think back to everything I've been through, I would honestly have to say that this time was the hardest to get through. I had regular thoughts of suicide. I cried all the time feeling so trapped in so many lies and strongholds.......Joe remembers driving home from work sometimes really worried that he might find me lying on the bathroom floor with a empty pill bottle to my side. It was really really bad.
My temper was uncontrollable. Mood swings. I would yell and scream, swear, slam doors so hard that pictures would fall off the walls. I would throw things, punch holes in doors and one time, Joe kicked me out. "I will not allow this in our home, you will leave until you have cooled off and can control yourself!" (middle of winter)
I had extreme night terrors (really bad nightmares) of demons, the occult, and torture. I was always afraid and terrified. I had to sleep with the lights on.
Looking back, the enemy had so many many doors to walk through. God had a lot of work to do.....
He was patient, kind, uncondtionally forgiving. One by one God took the chains off.....
Faithful to the very end.
Even through all this evil, God loved me and saw me through. He never gave up on me. I never thought I was valuable enough to be saved, yet I knew he was the answer.
Year after year, I cried out to Him.....
Year after year, He answered me.....
"Ogre's are like onions, we've got layers"
Wow, not only was/is God faithful but so is Joe. God knew he was the perfect husband for you because he would be willing to walk you through all this pain and gargabe in your life. I am so pumped for the ministry God has in your life from your story and for the plans he has for your future. Keep focusing on Jesus.
totally! Joe is a good man for sticking in out with me!! I was a handful to say the least. Thank you for reminding me of the gift god gave me by giving me Joe. :)
I feel like I'm getting to know you on such a personal basis. Thanks for sharing. You and your husband are blessed to have each other!!
When I had my 2nd son I went through a downward emotional spiral. Your story touched home for me. Scott would come home after work and I'd be in my pj's with a toddler and a baby and I hadn't accomplished anything. Emotionally and physically I was a wreck. I, like you mentioned, look back and often wonder why my husband "put up" with me and my erratic behaviour. Tough times, but we came out stronger than ever, just like you two!!!
Last year Scott and I were talking and I mentioned something like, "do you know your purpose in life," and he looked at me and said, "my purpose is to take care of and provide for you guys." I always think of that moment and am so grateful that I have the husband I do.
Thanks for this post.
The only time I met Caleb was right after he came home with you from the hospital. It seems to me we met at your parent's. I had no idea what all was going inside of you. I wish I had- I think the greatest shame of the church is when we don't know each other's pains- because we are to carry each other's burdens. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you better then, but am glad I get to rejoice with you now. You are walking testimony that God's love conquers all. Keep up the good fight. You are beautiful.
What Rebekah said was what i was thinking of saying..i find your story very touching..Most of all God is so amazing and so is your loyal
Carebear, you have so much courage to fearlessly share all this. It sure lights my candle of hope and touches me deeply to see the work of the Lord in you so obviously.
Love you girl. Nel
carebear. You've been through sooo much! But God never gave up on you, He continued to hold you, He carried you. Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. You came, He hears, He saw, He wept, He enfolded you, He loves you!! God knew what you needed when He put Joe into your life. You have a tremendous testimony to share. I thank you so much for sharing and filling our feeding our hearts with something to think about. Tonight as I'll get ready for sleep. My heart will be heavy and yet peaceful. I thank God for people like you. I said it before, and I'll say it again. What a wonderful and POWERFUL testimony! Thank you JESUS!
Girlie, I actually hurt for you as I read this. I mean, I know how the store goes after that but I also know what that out of control helplessness feels like...and the fear that creeps up when there is failure, you know, like it's just going to spiral back into the abyss again. But God, right? But God!
Thanks for sharing so openly...and for pointing to His grace and mercy and faithfulness all along the way.
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