Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A satisfied heart pt 4

So, I've been asking myself how do I get off this stupid dead end road of behavior modification???

I have gotten pretty good at looking the part on the outside. But who am I when no one is looking? I have come to a place where I am tired of playing the part. I want freedom. I want it so bad, that I'm willing to DO whatever it takes.
I have dedicated the last 7 days (today being the 8th) to renew my mind, repent of lies, rewrite truth on my heart. I don't care what it costs, I know the God i serve is big enough to set me free! And I know without a doubt that someday, I will be helping others someday with the same battle!
These are some of the things God has shown me:

Most of my behavior was a product of how I saw myself. The way I saw myself caused me to function in effortless motion.
In order to get out of this mess, I HAVE to experience the great exchange!: My life for His, and His realities! It is His opinion; therefore it is His reality....including the thousands of promises He has made to mankind. A person doesn't experience these promises because we beg God, we experience them when they become part of our reality! When we accept His view and opinion as our own, we become infused with that reality.

Through repentance faith and truth, I can be set free just like that!

I have God's promise that I am loved hidden in my heart and I don't have to live up to my own expectations of efficiency or the fear of failing. I have now been introduced to the power of transformation! The vicious cycle of trying hard to change finally gives way to a journey of truth with a transformed heart!


Trev and Rebekah said...

I have been thinking of you wondering how the rest of the weekend was for you. I am so glad we were able to chat this weekend. You have a beautiful heart.

Carol said...

Isaiah 30:15 came to me as I was reading your post: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength"

Anonymous said...

"...take up your cross and follow me" this is where we say goodbye to everything els on earth as we buy the whole field. I can just feel your longing and God works with what is in our hearts.

Much incouraged, Nel

Madame Angela Baggett said...

One of the things I struggle with most to exchange is the lie that I have to perform for God. This is such a deception and trick that keeps us from intimacy and wholeness in Christ. I am often realizing that this lie has crept in and am trying to live by the truth that His love and grace are sufficient.

Nin said...

to-night night night night night night, to-night night night night night night....here we go! la la la la la la tonight...la la la la la la tonight.......

Nin said...

it's nothing about "TONIGHT", I just wanted to get the song out of my system. So thanks for being an outlet.
Now new song,
quit playin those GAMES!!!!!!
ohhhhh oh
games GAmes GAMes GAMEs GAMES!!!!
quit playin those GAMES!!!!!!
I know I'm supposed to use my OWN blog for my outlet, but hey, here on Whelan, whats yours is mine and whats mine is mine.

Trail Rider said...

you are such a card sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"does your mom know you drink coffee?"
"I'm NOT doing it to IMPRESS YOU!"
"I appreciate that"

Nin said...

hellOOOO! We're doing SONGS!
"when my baby deh deh deh deh deh"
"whop the insanity whop the insanity"
"add to your collection"
ok been done already.

aa AA aaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!!!!
aa AA aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Trail Rider said...

it's actually not the insanity ! LOL

It's apparently, now that i have the song, "oh, there goes gravity"

and YOUR doing songs, not WE....
I was doing a movie....

Trail Rider said...

and thanks for turning my super serious and reflectful blog and turning into a nkotb lyrics pitstop! :)haha

Trail Rider said...

and lol to school of rock