Thursday, February 07, 2008

A satisfied heart

I have been reading this book that is excellent! I am going to share little pieces of it each day for something to chew on, mull over and think about. It's actually a marriage book, but to lay a foundation, the first part of the book deals with our OWN personal relationship with our Father.

A satisfied heart gives without measure, simply beacause it has recieved so much.
A satisfied heart is generous because fulfillment and contentment banish all selfishness.

You are exceptional, purposeful and irresistible. You may not believe these things about yourself, but the treasures of your true identity and your intrinsic value and hidden in the depths of your heart. You will discover them when you heart is satisfied in God, for it is then that you will be able to cease from struggling and striving and know your place of rest and peace.


lois said...

That's good, that's really good. Those quotes encouraged me today!! Which book are they from?


Trail Rider said...

Best friends, best lovers
by Bob and Audrey Meisner

Nin said...

these small little paragraphs are so powerful! I feel like I could hear something new everytime I read it. I love how it says we all have treasures and value hidden in our hearts, but we only find them WHEN we are satisfied in God....