Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Okay.....who are all of you???

I'm very curious to know who reads my blog. I get the regular commenters, but I hear often from others, "I read you blog" but have never seen a comment!

So if you read my blog, please drop a comment, and come out from the shadows!!!! Who are my readers???????
(I have made it possible for those that don't have blogs to still leave comments. This blog is always open everyone! So no excuses!)


Jenn said...

I read!!! I visit your blog from Christy's list. You inspire me. Your stories make me feel like I am not alone when crazy things are happening in my life. Have a great day. Keep posting!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog. My sister found your blog one day and shared it with me. Your story about Caleb was inspiring because I had a niece who also had CP and has now passed away.

Christy said...

I read!!!

Monica said...

I haven't commented for quite a while, but I still read! I'm quite impressed with how well you've kept up your running. I got side tracked again with being pregnant. I hope I'll pick it up again next summer.

Kamelle said...

I read it. Rachel Fehr's facebook page has a link to her blog and then it lead me to yours. I was inspired to create my own blog which I do not update very often.

Carol said...

Carol here. I've got you on my RSS reader.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I read. I'm very encouraged by a lot of the things you share and can relate in a few different areas. I saw you at the bridge city boogie and said a prayer for you. I'm not a blogger but am friends with both Janelle L and Rachel F.
Thanks for always being so honest and encouraging.

Amber said...

hi! i read you & i think you're great ;)

Anonymous said...

I read and have since Linda D was out visiting and told me that I needed to read...I also met you @ HOPE after Curtis' wedding..Thank you for sharing ... you have inspired me and made me not feel alone...I have struggled as you and sometimes it is overwhelming to be a believer but have this THORN. I want to RUN and you inspire me in that way too. Thank you for being real and sharing your journey... Patti-R R.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I'm your most loyal lurker. You journal "amazingly" and give testimony of God working in your life - APPROVED BY GOD.
Linda D.

Nin said...

are you not concerned that some weirdo knows where you live?

Trail Rider said...

yes, I'm very worried about that weirdo that lives on the other side of the street!!! Help!!! Nin could come over and get me!!!

THACI said...

I read too!

Anonymous said...

I lurk, too! I think you are amazing...your faith inspires me.
Keep blogging!

Dianna said...

I did comment quite often but to be honest I kinda stopped cause you never comment on my blog and I get discouraged sometimes from lack of commenters. But none the less I enjoy your blog and it inspires me in a lot of ways.

Trail Rider said...

Dianna!!! I can't get to your blog!!!!!!! I always loved your comments and I remember a couple of times telling you that I couldn't get to you through your name link...
awww, sorry girlie! What's your link again and I'll for sure put you on my side link if that's okay with you...

Thank you for your honesty! I really appreciated what you said, sometimes I feel the same way. To be honest, (since we are :)) That's why I did this feel that people really are reading my blog.....

to everyone else that has come out from the shadows, thank you so much for mentioning yourself! Every single one of you is special to me. Lynn, you need to update your blog!!!
Monica, congrats!!!! I asked you in your comment box if you were pregnant, but your didn't answer, so i thought maybe it was a secret or i was in left field! so exciting!

I've been wondering if M.L. would pop her head in.....(but I know you're love you (HUGS)


Rhonda said...

I read your blog. I am inspired by your testimony. We had a daughter with Cerebral Palsy. She passed away May 10 of this year. Our life has drastically changed. My email is if you want to contact me.

Dianna said...

I e-mailed you. Did you get it? If not here's my e-mail;

aennswind said...

Hi! I found your blog as a link on another blog (forget who)just after Caleb died. It was a prayer request to pray for two families who had recently lost children. I had a traumatic miscarriage a few years ago - I've been there so to speak - so I've prayed for you and I've been reading your blog regularly ever since. Thanks for sharing your life so honestly.

armacleod said...

I also read your blog. I have it on my RSS feeds so I know when you update and read what you put out there when I have the time.

Monika said...

I read your blog, although I have a lot of catching up to do!! Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. To be honest with you, I often thought of you when I was pregnant with Rachel, since both Caleb and Rebecca are our firstborn children, and I'm sure you could relate to how scary it is to go through pregnancy just hoping and praying that everything will be ok. I think that Rachel will grow up being a more compassionate, loving person having a big sister like Rebecca in her life, just as your kids had Caleb.

R.K. said...

I wander to your blog every month or so.

Pamela said...

I'm also a reader. Haven't commented in a while but I do read and enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

I haven't checked your blog in a while, but saw a comment you made on Monica's and thought I'd check in.

Gina said...

I read your blog too!! I love it, and how open and honest you always are.