Monday, July 21, 2008

on to better things

i don't like leaving such a hard post like the last one up, so i thought I'd give a little update.

Moods are calmer, but God is doing somethings that are deep and painful. he's revealing stuff that needs correction, healing and attention. So it's all good, as long as I trust and obey (there is no other way to happy in Jesus.......)

I've been having this WICKED heartburn! for the last month. my doctor gave me these samples called nexium. at first i wasn't going to take them becuase there were 3 pages of side effects! But it kept getting worse and worse. i couldn't breathe, it was really affecting my still is. I have to tuck myself into "bed" on my couch with pillows sitting up! and sleep that way! Even in the morning I wake up with such burning pain and there's nothing in my stomach (accept acid of course!)
I am still clean from my bulimia. It has been 5 and a half months. (ML, I'm holding on to that)
I guess it was about time for me to reap the consequences of throwing up my food for 18 years!!! I just didn't think it would happen AFTER I stopped. I know it's not your "normal" heartburn. I must have done some serious damage to my insides!

Summer is always hard for me with the lack of schedule. to find the balance from work and holidays. In order to enjoy the paddling pools and parks, your work has to be done. I do notice that each summer gets better and better, which is encouraging. There's just so much more peace with order than there is with chaos and that is the motivation that drives me. plus there is twice the work! the grass the garden, the flowers and yard....

How's everyone summer? does any stay at home moms struggle with this balance?

Here is a pic of the new play structure that joe and chris built!! the kids have been really enjoying it! At this point there are no swings on it yet, but I'll get another picture of our new back yard up in the next few days. I love my yard!


Monika said...

I am sorry about your horrible heartburn, hopefully the nexium or something else will give you some relief.
That play structure looks awesome!! Who needs to go to a park when you have something like that in your backyard??

Janet said...

Hi Sarah, I check out your blog sometimes and am always encouraged by your honest sharing. I am on mat leave this year and sometimes struggle with no routine. But, I just try to remember that its time to enjoy with the kids. We go to the beach if we want in the morning and i get stuff done during nap time (I can't imagine not having that time!) Lately, I've realized I don't have to be organized with everything - if I plan my meals and keep that in a good routine than I feel pretty good about anything. I hate meal time stress!

Janelle said...

oh heartburn! i had that when i was pregnant with K and it was NOT NOT NOT fun!!! hopefully it will get better very soon! :)
and that play structure looks awesome! we almost got that one too! :) isn't it awesome to have the park in your own backyard?? :)
p.s. thanks for your comment on my post - your words mean sooo much to me. i love you.

Dianna said...

Hi dear.Have you tried something herbal for your heartburn? Drugs do have side effects and not good for long use. I would suggest something more natural. have you heard of Chlorophyll? That esp. is a good herbal natural drink to take. It tastes like spearmint and you just put a tsp. of the dark liq. in your glass of water. It cleanses and nourishes your body. The effects are endless and priceless. I haven't had problems with heartburn at all with this pregnancy and I'm sure a
lot or all of it is due to me taking the Liq. Chlorophyll.
Enjoy your summer, sunshine,rain, everything! It doesn't matter if your lawn isn't in tip top shape all the time. Enjoy your family they grow up so fast! Enjoy the God given summer. Love you my friend.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Have I told you I love you lately? Probably not, well I do, enough to comment even!! :) Summer balance, yeah, that's hard. I have no idea how to just do nothing for awhile, the work keeps calling....I should really just go to the lake or something.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Love the play structure.
Heart burn could also be linked with stress!?
Thanks for always being real with what Dad is teaching you even when it's hard.
I struggle with balance all the time no matter what season I am in. My summer is good. It's weird to think it coming to an end out here.

Nin said...

am so looking forward to the big par-tay in your new backyard! It's gonna be sooooo much fuuuuuunnnnnn!!!! (spoken by the sanguine voice, burried and supressed deep deep deep deep deep deep down)

Nin said...

and, I think that's a good idea you're taking the meds. See how they work and go from there, but it's definately worth trying. As said earlier, ALL pills come with a huge list of side effects. The medics need to cover their butts, so they list every single possiblity, not because it's going to happen to you, but because they don't wanna get in kaka if by some chance, it does. My two cents tho...
I've been hating the lakc of schedule too. I'm getting up at 7 with Chris this week. Help! Eek! Spike!
Oh No! Molly!
*shuffle shuffle shuffle*
(I say "this" week, but what I really mean, is I'm starting tomorrow, which is already half way through the week.)

Unknown said...

If you want one more thing to do you can read my comment from the '4 runner personalities' and plan a trip out here with someone you love or your kids.... Summer is the time for love...I think it's summer priority not balence,and do as littel as possible!! But...don't forget to take care of yourself too, becuse you are a treasure not a horse. REST!!

WOW! to the play structure, lots of good memories to make for the kids, its almost a tree house.