Friday, July 22, 2005

Bad day

I was inspired to write this post from moose's place. He talked about being real. I actually sat down and started writting what happened to me tonight and then deleted it, because I didn't want to be "negative". But I do want to be real. I want to be transparent. (I'm posting this obviously "less than perfect" picture to add to the "realness") So here was my night...

It was Ally's stagette tonight. Didn't totally want to go, would rather stay at home with my family and finish my chores. Well, I decided I was going to CURL my hair! I put on make up! After I was all dolled up, I was actually excited to get out of the house, go hang out with adults and talk about adult things and not have to clean a spill, or break up a fight, or worry about the laundry I need to fold. So I drive all the way to Broadway, park a block away, take out the stroller and faith (I am still nursing her, so we are still attached at the moment) and stroll into the lounge. It's called the yard and flaggon. Anyways, as soon as I walk in, they tell me to leave! I was so choked! I went to find my group to tell them "hi and goodbye" meanwhile this drunk dude says to me with his eyes half closed, "she's a minor man" His voice was the straw that broke the back. I'm like, "thanks for the info man" (way to be the light hey?)
Well, go back to my car fighting tears, on the way home, pick up Mc D's hoping that grease my make me feel better...k, now I feel sick....

After eating rotten Roney's, feeling sick, I pick up my dad and we drive all the way to Midtown Plaza 30 minutes before they close. Have enough time to go into coles book store and walk all the way back to the van....He's too tired for a starbucks coffee. So I order myself an iced green tea thingy and get even sicker from the sugar....Well, I'm home now...That was me today....

My dad has his own story! He is a regular on the transit buses. He takes the bus to and from work on the same bus everyday. The people on the bus recognize him by face and so do the drivers. So today he was running behind and could see the bus across the street ready to drive away. The nice driver knowing he was supposed to be on that bus waited for him to run across the street! All the passengers waited while my dad did his "little run"

(feel free to blow up this photo) So he gets on the bus all in huff. And half way home he realizes that he took the car to work!!! Gets off the bus and walks all the way back downtown from ave. P to get his car! LOL I guess that's why he was too tired for a coffee.


Nin said...

LOLOLOLOLOL, by the way, I want some royalties from this post, that's my run!
It's ok, all you missed was Ally being stung by a wasp, her foot swelling all up, and Randeah dressing her in this t-shirt with all these miscellaneous items pinned to it (laddle, pin cussion, cheese grater, egg lifter), as well as us parading her up and down broadway with her face as red as a tomato. You think your face was red from dancing, this was another shade of red all together. It would've been so fun to have you there, God had a different plan, it was out of our hands. Love ya, look forward to showing you the pics

Trail Rider said...

yeah...after I had the cry, I was like, "God, you knew this was going to happen." And it dawned on me, that you were supposed to be THERE for ally. And I guess God knew that if I were there, it wouldn't have happened like that.
I did get a peace about it, after I threw my little tantrum...

Yes, everyone: my dad is immitating Ninette running.

CWG said...

Of course it was a God moment...if you had been accepted into the Yard and Flagan, you wouldn't have ran into Midtown and I wouldn't have bonded with baby faith. (which I did by the way) she is so beautiful. Besides you had a good chance to spend time with your dad, which is really cool. (funny pic)

Trail Rider said...

Good points. Yes, after I pouted for a while and God was able to actually talk to me....I knew He had other plans....
It was good to see you guys last night. and it was nice to be with me dad.