Thursday, July 14, 2005

Not a big deal to stop and smell the flowers when you're tending the dirt

Joe and I have had the privelegde of getting together with Camille and Andrew this week! What amazing people! It's times like this that remind me of how badly we need the body! Their giftings and unique hearts are so needed in our body. We all compliment eachother.

Last night Isaiah and I went to help Sara do her laundry. Isaiah and I got to ride her friend's scooter down the hall to the laundry room! (I think that was the highlight of her night) Once we FINALLY got truly was a blessing. I thought of so many reasons why we couldn't go and thought I was justified. But God told me a little something about the meaning of His love...

We have a calling to be a radical people, a holy nation, one that people will know us by our love. What is love? Love is the truest sense of the word doesn't have anything to do with us! If you are thinking about you at are not loving the way Christ loves. It is giving with no thought of ever getting repaid, or even a thank-you! This is our love one another!

It just bothers me sometimes that "life gets away on you". I know that I have 4 kids, and I am very busy, but if this is my VERY PURPOSE, why haven't I learned to smell the flower as I am tending the soil? This is my desire, to grow in serving through all circumstances of life. My mom (bless her heart) is always so worried about us girls. Whenever she hears that ninette or I are going to help someone, she is reminding us of all OUR work that needs to get done, and that no one should even ASK us for anything! I know her heart, she is just trying to protect us...but if I had that attitude, I would never serve anyone! There is ALWAYS work around here. If I waited till all my laundry was done and house clean and errands run....well, folks, you'd be waiting till my kids were 18 and even after that, I'm sure we could find exuses...

I think of Kelly and Lani, 5 kids, self employed, one car, selling house, trying to pack, big family in need (her sister, Donna) and I know that they would be there for me in a heart beat if I needed them. They truly are servants of the living God. Thank you guys for you passion to serve the Lord, you are great examples to me...

As for me and my house we will SERVE the Lord....TODAY
I wanna stop and smell the roses, everyday.


Lani - the flowerlady said...

I have to admit that it is easy some days to give in to those voices (yup, I have them, too). They wear you down sometimes and you just give up trying to keep that line. ON the other hand, sometimes it's the voice of wisdom and we need to be discerning...and yeah, the wonderful lady that tells me those things (my mom-in-law) went to play at a funeral even though she was majorly sick with the flu!

Lani - the flowerlady said...

an addendum - right now it feels like we're gettin' served more than we're serving anyone at the moment...(don't feel like that praise is very well deserved at the moment)

Nin said...


Trail Rider said...

Flowerlady, there are seasons. And it is your turn to be nurtured in your time of need. Your family is taking care of you (i hope) and that's okay. It seemed like our first 5 years of marriage was that. Everything we owned was given to us, money given on the side, help with the kids....and I started to feel guilty after a year or so. But the reply was always, "someday, you will be able to bless others in return, right now, you are in need and that's okay."

So, relax, I know that a selfish shoe doesn't fit your foot, so don't wear it. If there's anything we can do, call (hugs)

Nin said...

maybe there's something wrong with my puter, but I can't see your side bar, with your new pic and profile and whatnot..... all I can see is your posts on the left, nothing on the right, weird.

CWG said...

It's there,(the side bar) it is at the bottom of the page. You may need to change your screen size. My puter shows the same thing.

Trail Rider said...

When I was at the farm it was weird, my blog had dotted lines around it, and yes my side bar was way at the bottom. Just like CWG said. Now that I'm back home, it's all good.

By the way, Blogless...your comment cracked me up when I was at the farm..("with one eye and all..")
I don't know you intimately, but I'm sure seeing a closer picture of your crazy sense of humor! :)