Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My first "official" homeschooling year coming up

This is the year that we officially register with the school board. I am excited, yet a few butterflies are flying around my tummy too. I need to plan out the whole year, write it out and send it in by the end of August. I used last year as a "practise year" by keeping records and "pretending" to be officially registered for sake of getting the hang of it. God showed me all the grace that He gave me and will continue to give me in order to accomplish the task He has called for us to do. But I still have my doubt's in myself. This will stretch my faith allot in trusting in Him for all my needs, as it has been already up to this point. I have many character flaws, and of course, I am my worst critic! Homeschooling is everything that I'm naturally not! ORGANIZED, DISCIPLINED, SCHEDULED, CONSISTENT, AMBITIOUS, FINISHING WHAT YOU START.....

I have grown leaps and bounds in these things in the last few years, but I am still doubting. Doubt is the opposite of faith and is a sin. Not that I'm trying to sin on purpose, but nonetheless it still is a lack of faith in God. I cannot please him this way.
I have never had a job in my life (expect for one time in grade 10, my dad got me a job at his work which I got fired for stealing) so maybe my opinion isn't valid but I really really believe that parenting is the hardest job on earth! Nothing has stretched me, humbled me, and grown me more in life than raising my kids. (Marriage comes very close to that too!) I don't know all the reasons God has called our family to do this...we know in part like the word says...

I desire so bad to grow in these things! Being a pure bred sanguine doesn't help much! (sanguine is my personality type also known as "otter"...you know the undisciplined, disorganized, unconsistent, always wanting to have fun, type!) God will finish his work and He has given me all I need for life and godliness. It's a minute by minute faith walk....and THIS, my family, will be a serious faith walk for me!

God be my center, and be the center of this home in everything we learn, we explore, we sing and dance to, fill this home with your love, which is the power and grace by which we live!


Lani - the flowerlady said...

You will be fabulous, you've already been 'practising' for awhile. Writing out the plan doesn't need to be super complicated. A broad brush approach is all they need, they don't need to know every single unit study you're ever planning to do. If you want to take a look at ours to get the idea of what they're looking for I'd be happy to help you out.

BTW - I'm a 'Swiss Family Robinson' homeschooler - make do with what you have, unit studies are king because they incorporate life and study without taking the two apart (or something like that).

I love you and bless you in your walk. You're growing great!

Nin said...

You're doing a great job! And you will continue to do a great job! I'm blown away by all the awesome work you've been doing! You're right, you ARE your worst critic. Everyone else thinks you're doing awesome, (even the ones that think homeschooling is for the birds, you know who I mean) (by the way, to all in blog world, that would not be me) Keep it up sis! We've got your back!

Trail Rider said...

I think we are more unit study than "unschoolers" for sure! That's all we did last year. I wrote all my own units and had a ton of fun doing that. This year, I would like to have all my units written but of course be flexible to go off a tangant if need be. It'll be nice to have some others around me in hope to lean on and vice versa with this crazy journey! Thanks guys, you're awesome.