Monday, July 04, 2005

What type of homeschooler are you?

Salvador Dali Melting clocks are not a problem in
your reality. You are an unschooler. You will
tolerate a textbook, but only as a last resort.
Mud is your friend. You prefer hands-on
everything. If your school had an anthem, it
would be Dont Worry, Be Happy.

What Type of Homeschooler Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I was surprised to hear that I was an "unschooler" I mean the test doesn't make you who you are. I don't avoid text books at all costs. But I think I am more hands on than I thought. Maybe cause that's how I learn.


Anonymous said...

So where are you you said you'ld be around at 8:00am!!!!
Just kidding I'm sure you've been you share of busy...

Trail Rider said...

thanks for checkin up..:)
I got up at 8:45 again:(

I have been busy tho....even tho the day starts too late, I run my butt off (yeah I wish I could literally run "it off") You know paddling pools, and all the work that goes with that...taking 4 kids to pools everyday, makes for alot of laundry, packing, unloading and keeping up with the house.... It's been fun!(when it's not raining)

Actually, Joe and I talked this am on the phone and I agreed to get up with him on the weekdays at 7 am.. so i'll try to blog in the mornings. you are free to "check up on me" to see if i am doing that. :)