Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Keep on truckin'

Last night I messed up again......but once again, God is faithful. The things I am learning on this food journey is amazing! And I am very very grateful for his mercy and grace to walk me through.....

Last night, it was midnight. I was waiting for Joe to get home and I was bored. The piece of pizza that has been calling my name for like 3 days suddendly it's voice got really loud and I gave in. I felt that yucky feeling for giving in to my flesh, and going back down the road I'm trying to get away from. This is hard....but at the same time, it's easy. I know what I have to do.
Sometimes I get annoyed at the "christian cliches" because when they start to mean something to you and become real to you, you all of a sudden realize how you've been using these "sayings" without reverence. Does that make sense? Right now I am talking about, "the battle belongs to the Lord" This is exactly what I am trying to walk out right now. And I am understanding it more and more at deeper levels. I just do what I need to do.....God will change my heart. I can't do that! All I can do is be obeidient. He does the rest. I need to keep my mind and my heart in the place of faith and hope at all times.....HE DOES THE REST!
I know what God says about me in His word. I know what is important to God. My heart! Am I willing? Am I humble? Am I making the right choices? I have a choice everyday. To give into condemnation or give in to hope. And today I choose hope, I choose faith, and I choose God's way. I am tempted often to give into the biggest lie that attacks me, "you've never made it before, why this time, it will be just like all the other times....failure! don't even bother, your messing it up anyway!" What a bunch of #$^%&^*^!^@ (pardon my french) I'm so sick of giving into those pieces of !@#$% lines! MY GOD IS BIGGER THAN ALL MY SIN! AND HE IS ALWAYS WORKING!

Am I going to WALK out my faith?
Do I believe that God is bigger than this stronghold in my life???????
Okay then,
Keep on truckin'


Nin said...

Right on!! Hope.......
We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character hope. And hope does NOT disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us. (Romans 5:3)
HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT US! I choose to hope with you! That He who begun a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ!!
I don't want to do anything BUT keep on truckin'! *hugs*

Nin said...

I love the pic of the frog by the way!

Lani - the flowerlady said...

That particular cliche - 'the battle belongs to the Lord' - is actually scripture so don't worry about using it over and over again - it's the word of the Lord in your mouth!