Friday, August 05, 2005

A song written just for me

My sister bless her heart! Just yesterday, she informed me that she wrote a song about me. All this time, I have been worshipping to her CD at home and never realized this one song was about a specific time in my life. After she told me when and why she wrote it, I put it on this morning and just bawled my eyes out.
Last year around this time, I said to Joe, "we CANNOT have anymore children! I am not ready, I can barely keep my head above water with 3. Besides, we'd have to move, we gave all our baby stuff away...."
Guess what, WE'RE PREGNANT! The first person I thought of telling was my sister. It was midnight, but I didn't care. Nin and Chris were newly weds for only a week or so and here I am ringing their buzzer at midnight (good first impression for Chris....."is your crazy sister going to be doing this on a regular basis?") Ninette comes to the door and says, "your pregnant...?"
I started to cry. So here we are sitting at her kitchen table in the middle of the night imagining what a family of 6 will look like....we started laughing already! She is SOOO awesome!
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We talked about how will will now resemble the vanloon's...that in it's self gave us a few laughs. How we'd need a full size van, how no one would invite us for dinner, and what on earth would our parent and tot swim days look like???
What would happen to my homeschool? How was I going to do this?

Hence Joe and I named her FAITH HOPE
Faith for obvious reasons
Hope because we knew that God had more faith in us then we did. He filled us with a hope that we aren't going to live in poverty (I don't just mean financial either) for the rest of our lives. If God forsaw 4 children, then obviously He knew that we were stonger people than we thought. So the song that my sister wrote was written when we found out we were pregnant and about the road we were about to walk.
Thanks nin, you're the bestest sister in the whole world! You're songs speak to me contiually and I know I'm not the only one!

Well I am headed for the unknown
Sometimes it feels like im walking this road alone
this is the most bitter-sweet road I've known

This road I'm headin for I know will come with trials
To fully understand why I know will take a while
Still I will trust you for many unknown miles
And I'll do it all with my own unique bent and style

For You lead out the prisoners into prosperity
I've been imprisoned by my own opinion of me

Well, I've been called to go against the raging flow
This means I need to let go of everything I think I know
Cause I know I'll never walk this road on my own
You will never forsake or leave me alone

and I will fix my eyes on you
and you will give me strenght for what I need to do

for You lead out the prisoners into prosperity
I've been imprisoned by my own opinion of me

Written by Ninette Moore


Anonymous said...

very cool and oh so very true...
But whats this to do with looking like the Van Loons? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is there thought of a #5 Because then yes you will be like us or are you going to go for 6, that is if God blesses us with a number 6. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm now what would that all look like if you had 6, the Wein's had 6(if God blesses them with another), and us with 6. To get together we would need either the church or to go to the park.....What a picture that would be...LOL........... :):):)
HOLLY :):)

CWG said...

It is so true about not being invited out. We laugh about how we must intimidate others when it comes to inviting us over. We must look like work...Holy that means 7 people in our house....funny stuff. Holly and I often talk about #6. maybe thats what we should call her...#6....that's a faith statement by the announcement...yet!?!?!!

Tanya said...

You sound so much like my sister is feeling now. She's expecting their third in the fall. I think she's a bit overwhelmed with everything like you were, getting a van, providing for them all, etc. I wish that I could be there to help her out.
Thats so sweet that your sister would write a song for you. Show's how much she loves you. You sound like you have a very strong connections with her, consider yourself lucky. My sister and I have never been that close. Thanks for sharing such a personal time in your life.


Trail Rider said...

HMMMM, you're making me think that you really are pregnant!

I think you are and you're doing what a Van loon does best...keeping us all in suspence.
You are pregnant....I know it......

Tanya, thank you for sharing your heart. Maybe God will open up doors for you to become closer...I do love my sister very much and I pray i dont' ever take her for granted. Maybe you could share my testimony with her. God came through just like he always does. We gave everything away, and he gave it all back...but better. We got a battery operated swing! I got maternity panties! Never even knew they had those!
God will come through, this will be the perfect time for her to show God that she does trust him. He feeds the flowers and the birds, He will give them what they need.

Blessings Tanya, thanks for stopping by again!

Nin said...

This made me cry. Remembering that night like it was yesterday. I am so blessed to have you, through thick and thin. I've loved every minute of it. My neices and nephews are sooo precious, you have no idea. Being priveledged to witness my neices births has been cherished beyond your understanding. I love you so much, and when I look at your family I see so much beauty and love. I look forward to the day I can bless you with more neices and nephews too! Love you, **hugs**

Trail Rider said...

Did you say WHEN you will bless me with more nieces and nephews? (wink)(First will come a nephew...)

Okay, so for the record, y'all....
CWG and his wife are NOT pregnant, I repeat, ARE NOT PREGNANT. CWG's wife informed me today at church, besides that would mean that flowerlady and heart of ministrel would have to be too, and they are not ...... YET......