Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Are you someone's Holy Spirit?

"trust and obey, there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus....than to trust and obey" A hymn I remember as a child. It sums up our walk in simple terms.

My husband, firestarter, is an amazing man! His heart is full of passion and a desire for righteousness. He loves his family and cherishes us. He is an amazing daddy! always offering a safe place for the kids to rest their heads, lend an ear, come for a tickle or have a bubble bath. He desires to be a light in his workplace, praying for his customers, more vision and seeks to be a servant. He is gentle, humble and I always feel safe with him.

Does anyone relate to the desire to control? I have always tried to control Joe since the beginning. At first it was very very unhealthy. As the years go by I am coming more and more under the covering and protection of the God given head of our home. It is a process, just as anything. But this control thing wants to hang on like no man's business! When the men stood for divine order, when they declared for becoming REAL MEN....I was just broken with repentance for wanting control. I always think that if I don't tell Joe something that I see, he'll just never know. I figure if I don't tell him everything, he just won't learn! I know that this is all a bunch of hog wash, but my flesh isn't giving up this control very easily. The Sunday that the men so powerfully and humbly stood for us, I was overwhelmed to be rid of this stupid control thing once and for all. It's a daily walk. But God is merciful and faithful. There is only one place where there is peace....."to be happy in Jesus" and that is to trust and obey. The flowerlady summed it up good in her post, "Not Forgotten" If He can measure the span of the oceans, then surely is working in the lives of the ones we love. We don't need to waste so much valuable time trying to change others. Don't you think we have enough to work on???

Walking with God really can be a picnic in the park in some ways because the battle is not ours to fight! He's the one that changes people, He even puts the good we have in then why is being a disciple such a hard road?.......Why does it seems so complicated? The light of Jesus will push back the cloudiness of the confusion....for the walk is actually simple. Just die......
What a bitter-sweet thing to say! For all of us that know what it's like to taste both the bitter and the sweet, know exactly what I'm saying! It's the two extreme end of the scale. The bitter flames of the firey furnace at the time of being there is the WORST POSSIBLE PLACE IN THE WORLD! you think that everyone has it better off than you! But coming out the other, the sweet smell of freedom, the feeling of walking free without the balls and the chains.....Then you know what James was talking about when he said, "consider it PURE JOY when you face trials of many kinds"!!!!

After I so passionately declared enough is enough with my controlling, I have been tested and tested. I tried, this week telling Joe some things that he's "missing" (just incase he didn't catch it) OOPS...... AND THAT'S OKAY! The enemy would have me believe that I'm failing, that I'm not learning a flippin thing, that I'll never get this, that I lied to the whole body when I prayed repentance....Nope, not gonna listen this time...not ever!!!! I am walking a road of death and freedom all at the same time. The eternal glory far outweighs it all!!!

I will leave those I care about in the hands of Jesus. For I think he could probably do a better job than me! My prayers can move moutains....not my hands.....

1 comment:

andrew + camille said...

You rock!

I really appreciated that post, because us younger married girls have a lot to learn from you. I have major struggles with control and seeking power and stuff. And I am just slowly (very!) learning how to relinquish that and the freedom that comes from it. Especially with my own hubby.
