Friday, June 17, 2005



When I was a kid, I saw more horror movies than I can count. It was cool to "get scared", and to play "bloody mary" in the bathroom mirror at school. My grandpa (my mom's dad who died 6 years ago) used to go into the haunted houses at the fair and scare all the little kids and mom's. All the while thinking this was a hoot! He got kicked out of course! Most horror movies were filled with perverse sex and extreme occult content. When I got married, Joe and I had many huge fights about watching these flicks. Joe would say over and over, "it's glorifying the enemy, instilling fear, and spewing a bunch of lies!" I would say over and over, "it's just a movie, it's not real, it's just a movie!"
Well, up until only a year or two ago, I've had to sleep with a light on at night. I used to have violent, graphic nightmares. I used to dream of demons, blasphemy and death. When Joe and I would have big fights at the start of our marriage, I would be paralyzed in fear of the dark! I couldn't even move to run to a light switch. If Joe went out with friends at night, he would have to be home shortly after dark because I couldn't be left home for too long by myself. I could feel evil all around, tormenting me......I wonder why.......

Joe and I will have been married 9 years this fall. I have not seen a horror movie in about 6 years, and the nightmares and fear of the dark continued for many years after that. My dear husband was diligent in praying for my freedom in this area for many years. Until one day, they stopped!!! The lights go out at night and finally I have peace at night in the dark. Joe will come home to find me sleeping and at peace. (unless of course he wakes me up and I'm grumpy...)

Today I was playing with my little "faithfulness" (baby faith). I was saying , "BOO!" in a low sudden voice. She laughed at the first coule of times, until the 3rd time, she had this look of terror on her face, and then cried! I felt so bad! I picked her up and consolled her right away. I think this is a picture of how fear begins. The shock of it is kind of a thrill and arousing at first, and then you realize that the feeling that comes with it doesn't feel very nice anymore. At the beginning of our marriage, Joe would think it was SO fun to scare me. He would hide behind a door in the dark and jump out and yell. Well, that didn't last too long when one time, I screamed so loud, I could have shattered a window, punched him somewhere on his persons, then cried uncontrollably! He doesn't do that anymore....wise man!

Why would a parent think it's game to scare your child? Why do we put our children into haunted houses at the fair? Why would we tell ghost stories on halloween? To our highly desensitized heart, that spirit is going right through the parents! We are called to be the protectors and guardians of our kids.

We need God's infinite wisdom and humility to stay sharp and awake while raising our little ones. May we keep our eyes open at all and pray today as you are making those arrows!


CWG said...

Wow that is so true.
Just a month ago I found this picture on the net that said there was a cartoon figure in the picture, and you could see it if you looked long enough, then out of the blue this face popped up and there was a scream. I thought it would be fun to share this thing with me eldest. He looked intently till the face popped up then jumped back and screamed. I laughed uncontrollable at his reacton until I looked in his eyes and he looked puzzled and frightened. (as well as a little watery eyes) I then stopped laughing and held him and repented of my foolishness. I agree with you, we need to be VERY careful with how we deal with fear.....Great post

Trail Rider said...

sorry i made joe late last night. I was diddling in walmart and totally forgot.

Nin said...

Man, can I relate..... I too had demonic nightmares (considering we grew up with the same occultic movies) God gave me freedom in this area at the ladies retreat in 2003, I recieved prayer from all my sisters. I also heard God speak very firmly that He would do His job, if I too did mine. And that was that I could never look at those horrible images again. I found it difficult at first, as my eyes for some reason seemed to be drawn to sick twisted images. But now, I am free, from the dreams and the temptation to look.
My husband too, used to scare me, until one day I burst into uncontrolable tears as well! He too, has learned not to do that.....(although he still scares me all the time by accident! my nerves are retarded!)

Anonymous said...

what do you mean you need to go back to the blogging together site and really OPEN YOUR EYES I spent a good part of the afternoon writting out all my book stuff in between interuptions...Thats why I tagged some others.............

Anonymous said...

Oops Sorry CB. I just read my last coment to you and realized it sounds as grumpy as I was feeling towards the kids(Tired[me]&[kids],kids not listening, hubby working[extra eve.shift]). So really all I was saying is that you must have missed my blog on the books......Sorry... so will I get a forgive you hug next time I see you...

Trail Rider said...

np! peace