Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The system of measurement

The System is everywhere...it's so ingrained in the world we live in. It's everywhere we look and in the way we live. It's part of our jobs, our marriages, in the way we parent and it seeps into our relationship with God....
Your probably wondering what the system is. The system is the way of the world, under the power of the darkness. The system can take many forms in many different ways. In essence...it's a bunch of lies.
The system that runs rampant that God is showing me is the one of measurment. It's so much of it in my life and God wants to root it out!

What does it look like?
Well a lot of you know that we are a homeschooling family. And many people don't know how it works, so we get alot of questions. People want to know how our children's education will be "measured" it seems to be the #1 concern, besides socialization of course. We get get questions like, "do you get given a curriculum to follow? Do they make sure that you are following the other system so that your children will be at the same level? Do your children get tested? How will they get into university without any measurement?"
Well, when we first started this year, I kept a good log of what we were doing, made sure that I was keeping good records, and made sure there was a paper trail for every step we took. So that if anyone were to pop the question, " What are you covering and are you making sure that your kids are getting what they need?" I would be able to open up my highly organized drawers with highly organized papers and show them highly organized work. So everyone would be satisfied......and so would I. It felt good to look at all the material that we were doing. It felt like I was really accomplishing something when I could look and SEE our work and progress.
In the system, everything must be measured. Everything is tested and drilled, and making sure that scores are in order. Even school teachers are tested! Kids spend countless hours doing work that they already have mastered. And some kids can master the "paper trail" and not understand a thing!
Since my 4th child has been born 3 months ago, our homeschool has changed dramatically. Instead of me and my kids sitting making our paper trails, I am on the couch nursing my baby, while my 6 and 4 year old throw sponge math dice in the living room practising thier math addition. Instead of us making posters for all to see, I am folding laundry while my other 2 kids and i are going over our colors in french.......BUT HOW DO YOU MEASURE THAT!!!?????
It's okay!! I know that they are learning, and I see them growing. I am starting to realize that I don't need to fight with my kids to "write stuff down" all the time. They can go outside and hopscotch thier way through skip counting and THAT'S OKAY!
Well, God showed me the other day that He does NOT measure us like we measure everything. He loves us...PERIOD! I don't wake up and look at my husband and say, "I have to make sure that I love you more today than I did yesterday!" I just love him. If I tried to strive to love him more so that i could have something to measure, I would lose the heart of just being with him. You can't measure relationships! You can't measure love! God tells us that we can't measure that! So what do we insist on giving into this lie?
I think because it's everywhere! It's hard to move away from this system because it's how the world works. How can we be in the world and not of it?
Simple....just be who you are, and rest in that.
God called me into his lap the other day, and I crawled up there reluctanly, because I knew I would have to explain myself. So I started yapping my head off...."but God I haven't done this and I'm not growing, and I'm still in this spot and I'm not further ahead then I should be...and and and...God said gently of course,

stop talking and just rest. just be with me, you don't always have to give the the "heads up" on WHERE you are at....i know where you are, it doesn't matter where you are at, what matters is that you are with me.


Nin said...


Lani - the flowerlady said...

welcome to the blog world. Excellent thoughts. I needed these words today...

Anonymous said...

Working in another system, the health care system, I really feel how true this is. We measure everything about a person's physical status and often forget or ignore treating the things that can't be measured; spirit, hope, peace of mind, feelings and the soul. I try to do my job in a way that the good I do isn't measured, because the work I do falls outside of the scales of measurable "success". Doctors may not always appreciate my work but I believe my clients do.

andrew + camille said...

You are a great writer!
Thank you for your kind words - i'm glad I found your blog. We're all just one happy family here, huh??
From what Ninette has told me, you sound like a great person and I really would like to get to know you better.

Trail Rider said...

ditto camille!
your blog's pretty cool too!