Thursday, June 30, 2005

Food to spare

I was inspired to write this by my sis's blog on "be alert and self-controlled"

The word says that if you love sleep you will grow poor, stay awake and you will have food to spare. I have loved sleeping in ever since I was a teenager. Never grew out of it. Every chance I get I will try to sleep in. You would think that having 4 kids wouldn't support that very easily!! During the summer my kids and I go to bed late enough that they all sleep in! I am lucky that way. My kids sleep in till sometimes 9:30!! I've been having to go and get isaiah up at 10:00am cause she's still sleeping! (During the school year, it's not like this.)
It's so krazy how at night I can be so gung-ho about the next day and then in the morning, sleeping in doesn't matter. Before bed I have the whole day planned according to getting up at a certain time. I want to have most of my chores done so that the kids and I can do fun stuff, go to the park, play outside and so on. But then in the morning, it never makes sense to me why I would get up! It's like I'm in a trance. Sleep takes first priority and I'll sleep till the kids wake me up. Well, by the time I shower, make breakfast and actually start my chores, it's like noon! And spending a few weeks like this and you start to feel a bit depressed. God created us to be productive. It is a God given drive in us to accomplish our goals. We are wired by God with a concience to carry out our commitments. And when we fail day after day after day, we become weary. Like it says in proverbs...we grow poor....
It's very rare that I ever regret getting up early and being productive! It's refreshing to be alert, and ready for the day. I always seem to have "food to spare" throughout the day! More energy, more time and less work (cause I'm getting it done) I've come along way in this, but old habits die hard.

This summer I am commiting to getting up at 8:00am for now (maybe earlier later on) This is an obedience thing for me. I know God will honor it and be able to work in my life this way. So, once again, I will see you all everyday at 8:00am!!! You are more than free to confront me if I'm not posting at 8:00am or shorty after....The accountability is good for me.

Love you, family!!:):):)


Jeffrey said...

Be encouraged, even some of us who are earlier risers sleep in.

I used to get up every morning by 6, no later than 7. Now that I have no need to be anywhere, usually, until at least 10 I'm usually still in bed at 8.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Ya know what, I haven't been reading much in the blogger world lately, too busy trying to keep my house clean for potential real estate agents. aarrggghhh. So I read a couple of your posts and just wanna say, "YOU GO GIRL!" Keep on walking, keep on growing up, the work God is doing in you is good. I wish my kids would sleep until 8:00, not likely.....:(