Monday, June 13, 2005

What is depression?

I recently went through a minor depression. About 2 weeks ago. I say minor because compared to other depressions in my life, this WAS minor. I used to have very bad depression, where I would be suicidal and violent. Sometimes it tries to come back and take a hold on me.
While I was talking to a friend about how I was feeling, she was encouraging me to find the root cause of it. "maybe there's a trigger, maybe it's this, maybe it's that...." When I really believe the answer is just a wrong focus. Looking at ourselves and not on Jesus. That's why He told us to fix our eyes. Our lives are pitiful and empty without the grace and power of God. When satan can get our eyes on ourselves, we start to put our circumstances, our struggles, our feelings above God. We don't mean to. But we are convinced that if we just keep looking for the "answer, the root" we will get better. But really what ends up happening is we get more and more confused...

After this revelation (given to me again) I DECIDED to fix my eyes in the rightful place and give the battle to Him, and it lifted! I repented to my husband for being such a *&^%$ (not a nice person) repented to my children for being selfish and putting myself above all else. The bible says that each man takes care of himself. We don't need to put any more effort to take care of ourselves. It's already part of our nature. God makes a strong point of us being humble, and that's probably cause we so easily exalt ourselves.
I choose to stand on the


Trail Rider said...

It is so encouraging to see how much you are learning about yourself and the Spirit of God. This knowledge will take you far as you mature in Him and live in His Spirit daily.
I love you very much!

Lani - the flowerlady said...

I tagged you!

Trail Rider said...

I was totally confused at what tagged meant, till I went to your site. Okay, I will answer that question....
sounds fun!