Wednesday, June 15, 2005

So is this blog thing really worth doing?

I know that I'm new to the blog world, and I've seemed to have moved in and settled quite well. I didn't really see all the benifits to blogging until I started my own. I've heard of them for many many months, but didn't really put much thought into what having a blog really means.
If you blog with an honest heart and led by the spirit of God, this is what I've discovered blogging can do for the far....

It breaks down pride:
At first I didn't want to start a blog cause *gasp* my friends and family would actually know how I'm more hiding. If you are honest in your blogs, you are transparent and open to correction and encouragement.

It keeps you accountable:
Because your family is reading all your happenings, you are challenged to grow and learn. It's totally like me to stay stagnant and comfortable. I find that having my own blog is like the journal that I've been wanting to keep for years now, but always had some exuse to put it off. But with a blog, there are other readers, which in some ways forces you to write new stuff. I remember thinking when I heard about Lani's blog after I had baby faith. I thought to myself, "sheesh, how does she have time to grow AND be a mom!" But if God is first in our lives, nothing stops the growth!

It sparks creativity:
Darcie S. is very big on "Our God is the God of creativity!" And this is the perfect place to let it all flow out! ( This is a step for me....I'm going to give myself a compliment...) but I didn't think I could write like this...(not like it's that great...) (followed by a putdown of course...LOL)

We all stay connected:
With life being so busy and rushed, it's a new way to have fun with our sisters and brothers! To keep in touch, encourage one another and share our hearts with eachother.

It's super duper fun!:
I didn't think blogging would be so darn fun! So come on the boat if you dare!


Nin said...

I'm in total agreement. When I sat down to write my first blog I thought to myself, hey, I'm painting a picture here, for all to see. It's really up to me what the picture looks like. It can look all pretty and fake, or real and messy. No ones looking over my shoulder to make sure that I'm walking out what I'm writting. No one excpet God. And that's what blogging is for, to bring glory to Him. Not to tell the world how well we're doing, but to tell the world what He's doing! So bless you for speaking that out! And may we all be real and messy with eachother, honest and transparent.
love ya sis,

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Why of course it's worth doing! At least this way I get a chance to visit you! :) the links look good by the way!

Trail Rider said...

Yours looks all cleaned up as well! It's all organized and all...your like the fly/flower lady....hee hee