Thursday, June 16, 2005

Who is a twit?

Webster's definition of "twit": A foolishly annoying person. My definition: An insensitive person who thinks they know better than everyone else.

Why does the bible say that our tongue is the most dangerous weapon? Why does the whole book of James talk about our tongue? Why could our tongue cut like a sword? And why can't I get this!

We need the leash of the spirit on our tongue. It's only by God's grace and mercy that we are able to pick up the pieces of the damage of the tongue. It's like a twister, carrying debris, fatal winds and a storm all around it. Take everything to God in prayer. If I had done that, I woulnd't have reaked havok on my dear sister's life. I want to publicly confess that I have been walking on the leash of my tongue and not the other way around. If anyone hears me shootin it off, I give you permission to shoot me off! (well, a reminder would be nicer and less messy)
Dear sister, I am sorry.


Anonymous said...

You know what dear, and precious sister of mine, you are forgiven. I love you more and more each day that passes, for your willingness to see how things can change for the better. So need not to worry our relationship is going to be what we both desire, I have faith in God to say that publically. I know that my tongue has been a weapon towards you and so for that I am sorry. God is a God of forgiveness and I desire that I walk in Gods authority so I to must forgive and let go!
P.S You know who is caught!

Trail Rider said...

Thank you for your forgiveness. We grow each time these things happen.

AWWWWWWW....we're just getting all sappy for all to see...LOL