Friday, June 10, 2005

Pride cometh before a fall

Well, I always tell those coffee drinkers to get off their drug of caffeine. And I just realized that I am in the exact same boat! I was over at my sister's drinking a cup of tea, when she cleared my cup thinking it was one of her old coffee cups.....yeah, my tea was as dark as coffee. We kinda laughed about it and I said, "yeah I guess I'm no better than you 'coffee drinkers'" But really, I did think I was better off.....
Until I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and still have one! For two days now, I haven't had my 3 or 4 cups of black tea and have realized, it's my drug too...
You know, it's so nice to enjoy a cup of coffee every now and then and really savour it. I used to do that with tea too. It's really not the same when you HAVE to drink it to get through the day. I heard somewhere that a vacation is never satisfying if your always going on one. I think God wants us to enjoy things in moderation so that we can enjoy the benifits.
Henry's definition of abuse (from his marriage class): To use something outside it's purpose.
I've definitly been abusing tea.
Terry's advice on judgement: Don't point any fingers, cause there will be 3 pointing back at you!!


CWG said...

Hey You
You need to check out our site now, I just revised it. NO MORE PINK YEAH

Anonymous said...

Funny guys(you and W.W) OK once I get some uninterupted time then I will write out my first blog. Now I'm expecting some comments to prove that you guys actually came over and read my thoughts since you are so eager to hear them witten down... I've Written
W.W the same message...

Now go have a big mug of Black Tea...

Trail Rider said...

Dear, dear mother of 5! If you can get some time to yourself...
I will be there, reading every word! Don't you worry.

Nin said...

Wowee, look at you all snazzy! Blog looks great, fresh....When I see green I think 'Life'.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Very nice look goin' here. You're making me want a cup of tea.......

Anonymous said...

Okay now from the coffee guru.
To me coffee is an art. It should be medium strength in the morning, a little stronger in the afternoon and a good dark roast in the evening. I am not the person to drink a pot of coffee. I woud rather have one great cup of freshly brewed Broadway roastery (Indian malabar in case anyone wants to bless me :) ) Maxwell house should be banned. Many people think that I am in need of coffee every day, however I drink it for the pure enjoyment of the cup in hand. I have proven this to my dear wife on more than one occation, by going coffee free for a week. I do agree though that the caffein does take a toll on you. With that thought I'm going to go brew some yummy Tim Hortons...MMMMMM Tims.....

Trail Rider said...

It's very rare that a person does not get hooked on the caffiene with the amount that you drink. I totally believe you that you are not hooked, we've talked about this before. I guess your just lucky. I never intended to get hooked on tea, it just happened from drinking it everyday. and it just got stronger and stronger...