It's so hard to get out of bed! I was stupidly retarded yesterday....I decided to weed my garden with no sunscreen, in the mid day when it was like 30 degrees!!! Well, my back is fire engine red and I got a bit of heat stroke. When I read my sister's post on change, I told her that I can relate. Cause in the summer, I love changing my skin color! It's so fun to be brown, or red, or freckled.....sheesh, i'll be the first one to be all wrinkled. I never wear sunscreen. I haven't for years! Baby oil cooks my skin way better! I'll be the first one to admit how bad it is for you, but I still love doing it. I love going into the house after a hot day in the sun and seeing a different contrast. anyway, my brain really isn't working right yet. It's early, and I'm groggy.
Please pray for us if you think of us. We are STILL sick! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I woke up 2 days ago, with a freshly plugged nose and a sore throat! This is like the 3rd month of all this crap.
Ok so whats this about getting sick again thats just not right..
i feel us who check up on carebear should allow her to have a week of sleeping in once Caleb is finished school. So as she can get some much needed rest and get back to being a once again healthy mother of 4.
So all who agree please comment with me, and tell CB. that having that week to sleep and get some of her energy back wold be a good thing.
This is because I Love you and pray that you can have a heathy and blessed Summer..
Blessings And Rest To You My Friend,(Know off to stop Simeon)
CWG's Wife.... :) :) :) :)
Thank you for loving me! You do know what it's like to be tired from all the kids. I will have to pray about your idea...I do want to have a regular time that I get up even tho I don't have to put Caleb on the bus. In order to get better, yes, maybe that's not such a bad idea. But I really have been enjoying getting up with my firestarter and reading our devotions with him and sipping on hotcholocate.... Love you lots...hope Mr. Big Lug (you know who I mean) is being good for ya! Bless him and you!
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