Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Extreme krazy stormchaser

Does being up at 1 am count?? watching some awsome forks of lightning...gotta go, missing them....I guess I will still see you at 7 am.....


Nin said...

I knew you'd be out there! Was that thunder rockin or what?!

Trail Rider said...

of course I was out there! everyone that knows me well, knows it doesn't matter what hour, what weather, I'm OUTSIDE in a storm!

Anonymous said...

Although blogging on the computer during an electrical storm, can fry your computer....I was watching it too....It was cool cause at one moment the air pressure totally changed and I thought for sure a tornado or something of that effect was brewing. If you google saskatoon storm it has some good links to some great pics of last night.

Trail Rider said...

Yes! I felt that too> It was enough for me to cart all my kids to the basement. I was standing outside watching as usual, and then in about 15 seconds, the wind wipped up like a mad rush, and the rain started to fly sidewways. I was totally expecting hail...didn't come tho. I guess the Northend got quarter size hail. I read on the net that it was golf ball. I don't know who's right. That would have dended our cars for sure.